共 110 个单词
thyrotropinn.促甲状腺素,甲状腺刺激激素;英英释义 thyrotropin[ ,airu'trupin, ai'rtrpin ]n.anterior pituitary hormone tha...
详细解释monoclonaladj.单克隆的;英英释义 monoclonal[ ,mn'klunl ]n.any of a class of antibodies produced in the laboratory by ide...
详细解释adenoidadj.腺的,淋巴组织的;n.腺状肿; 变形 复数:adenoids 英英释义 adenoid[ 'dinid ]n.a collection of lymphatic tissue...
详细解释nephronn.肾单位,肾元;英英释义 nephron[ 'nefrn ]n.any of the small tubules that are the excretory units of the vertebra...
详细解释osteoclastn.破骨细胞;折骨器;英英释义 osteoclast[ 'stiuklst ]n.cell that functions in the breakdown and resorption of b...
详细解释claudicationn.跛行;英英释义 claudication[ ,kl:di'kein ]n.disability of walking due to crippling of the legs or feet同义...
详细解释glucagonn.胰高血糖素,胰增血糖素;英英释义 glucagon[ 'lu:kn ]n.a hormone secreted by the pancreas; stimulates increases ...
详细解释epiglottisn.会厌; 变形 复数:epiglottisesepiglottides 英英释义 epiglottis[ ,epi'ltis ]n.a flap of cartilage that covers...
详细解释midbrainn.中脑;英英释义 midbrain[ 'midbrein ]n.the middle portion of the brain同义词:mesencephalon
详细解释bronchiolen.细支气管;英英释义 bronchiole[ 'brkiul ]n.any of the smallest bronchial ducts; ending in alveoli
详细解释osteoblastn.成骨细胞;造骨细胞;英英释义 osteoblast[ 'stiublst ]n.a cell from which bone develops同义词:bone-forming ce...
详细解释cancellousadj.罗眼状的,多孔的;英英释义 cancellous[ 'knsls ]adj.having an open or latticed or porous structure同义词:c...
详细解释secretinn.分泌素;英英释义 secretin[ si'kri:tin ]n.peptic hormone produced by the mucous lining of the small intestine; ...
详细解释exocrineadj.(腺)外分泌的;英英释义 exocrine[ 'ekskrain ]n.a gland that secretes externally through a duct同义词:exocr...
详细解释endotheliumn.内皮,内种皮; 变形 复数:endothelia 英英释义 endothelium[ ,endu'i:lim ]n.an epithelium of mesoblastic orig...
详细解释reabsorptionn.再吸收,再分摊;英英释义 reabsorption[ ,ri:b's:pn ]n.the organic process in which the substance of some di...
详细解释prolactinn.催乳激素;催乳素;英英释义 prolactin[ pru'lktin ]n.gonadotropic hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary; i...
详细解释endometriumn.子宫内膜; 变形 复数:endometria 英英释义 endometrium[ ,endu'mi:trim ]n.(pregnancy) the mucous membrane tha...
详细解释atrioventricularadj.心房与心室的,房室的;英英释义 atrioventricular[ ,eitriuven'trikjul ]adj.relating to or affecting th...
详细解释androgenn.雄性激素(尤指睾酮),雄性荷尔蒙;雄激素;英英释义 androgen[ 'ndrden ]n.male sex hormone that is produced in t...
详细解释peristalsisn.蠕动; 变形 复数:peristalses 英英释义 peristalsis[ ,peri'stlsis-'st:l- ]n.the process of wavelike muscle c...
详细解释axonn.(神经的)轴突,轴突(输出端);轴索;体轴;英英释义 axon[ 'ksn,-sun ]n.long nerve fiber that conducts away from t...
详细解释occipitaladj.枕部的,枕骨的;n.枕骨;英英释义 occipital[ k'sipitl ]adj.of or relating to the occiput"occipital bone"
详细解释endothelialadj.[医] 内皮的;英英释义 endothelial[ ,endu'i:lil ]adj.of or relating to or located in the endothelium
详细解释bronchusn.(尤指肺两侧的)支气管; 变形 复数:bronchi 英英释义 bronchus[ 'brks ]n.either of the two main branches of the...
详细解释methioninen.蛋氨酸,甲硫氨酸;英英释义 methionine[ me'aini:n, -nin ]n.a crystalline amino acid containing sulfur; found ...
详细解释corticosteroidn.& adj.皮质甾类(的),皮质类固醇(的);英英释义 corticosteroid[ ,k:tiku'strid ]n.a steroid hormone prod...
详细解释catecholaminen.儿茶酚胺;英英释义 catecholamine[ ,ktik'lmin ]n.any of a group of chemicals including epinephrine and nor...
详细解释retinoblastoman.眼癌(有遗传性);英英释义 retinoblastoma[ ,retinubls'tum ]n.malignant ocular tumor of retinal cells; us...
详细解释monocyten.单核细胞;英英释义 monocyte[ 'mnusait ]n.a type of granular leukocyte that functions in the ingestion of bacte...
详细解释calcitoninn.降血钙素(一种调节血中含钙量的荷尔蒙);英英释义 calcitonin[ ,klsi'tunin ]n.thyroid hormone that tends to lo...
详细解释synaptic释义突触的;与突触有关的;(染色体)接合的;英英释义 synaptic[ si'nptik ]adj.(neuroscience) of or involving syna...
详细解释diastolen.心脏舒张,心脏舒张期;心舒期;英英释义 diastole[ dai'stli ]n.the widening of the chambers of the heart between...