共 58 个单词
新加坡小学2年级英语词汇Practice-Makes-Perfect-Vocabulary相关的的单词有【paint roller】【castles in the air】【chain saw】【chicken-hearted】【smell a rat】【pneumatic drill】【big fish】【title page】【stallholder】【get into hot water】【bradawl】【as dark as night】【as early as possible】【as blind as a bat】【as sure as fate】【as good as gold】【as quickly as possible】【trishaw】【turn turtle】【horticulturist】【wheatgrass】【upper arm】【jemmy】【fresh air】【Kea】【log cabin】【good-hearted】【owlet】【kwa】【orang】【country club】【bed of roses】【egg yolk】【as bold as brass】【dog-tired】【guid】【table of contents】【Knee pad】【kiwifruit】【about to】等。
paint roller释义油漆滚子,滚漆筒,漆滚筒;英英释义 paint roller n.a roller that has an absorbent surface used for spread...
详细解释castles in the airn.空中楼阁;英英释义 Castles in the AirCastles in the Air is a 1923 British silent drama film directed...
详细解释chain sawn.链锯,小型机器锯; 变形 复数:chain saws 英英释义 chain saw n.portable power saw; teeth linked to form an end...
详细解释chicken-heartedadj.胆怯的,无勇气的,软弱的;英英释义 chicken-hearted[ 'tikin,h:tid ]adj.easily frightened同义词:chicke...
详细解释pneumatic drill释义风钻,气动排种式播种机;气钻;英英释义 pneumatic drill n.a power drill powered by compressed air
详细解释big fishn.指公司里的重要人物; 变形 复数:big fish 英英释义 big fish important influential person同义词:big shotbi...
详细解释title pagen.书名页,扉页;英英释义 title page n.a page of a book displaying the title and author and publisher
详细解释bradawln.小锥;锥钻;英英释义 bradawl[ 'brd:l ] awl for making small holes for brads or small screws同义词:pricker
详细解释horticulturistn.园艺学家;英英释义 horticulturist[ ,h:ti'kltrist ] expert in the science of cultivating plants (frui...
详细解释wheatgrassn.芽草之类;冰草;英英释义 wheatgrass[ 'hwi:tr:s, -rs ]n.a grass of the genus Agropyron同义词:wheat-grass
详细解释jemmyn.铁撬棍;短铁撬;英英释义 jemmy[ 'demi ]n.a short crowbar"in England they call a jimmy and jemmy"同义词:jimmy
详细解释Kean.食肉鹦鹉; 变形 复数:keas 英英释义 Kea[ 'kei, 'ki: ]n.large brownish-green New Zealand parrot同义词:Nestor notabi...
详细解释good-heartedadj.好心肠的,宽大的,体谅的;英英释义 good-hearted[ 'ud'h:tid ]adj.showing or motivated by sympathy and und...
详细解释kwaabbr.kilowatt-ampere 千瓦安;英英释义 kwa[ kw: ]n.a group of African language in the Niger-Congo group spoken from th...
详细解释orangn.猩猩;英英释义 orang[ ':r, :'r ]n.large long-armed ape of Borneo and Sumatra having arboreal habits同义词:orangu...
详细解释country clubn.乡间俱乐部; 变形 复数:country clubs 英英释义 country club n.a suburban club for recreation and socializi...
详细解释bed of roses释义非常适合的工作;英英释义 bed of roses n.a flower bed in which roses are growing同义词:rose bed
详细解释egg yolk释义蛋黄;英英释义 egg yolk n.the yellow spherical part of an egg that is surrounded by the albumen同义词:yolk
详细解释dog-tiredadj.疲倦极的,筋疲力尽的;英英释义 dog-tired[ 'd'taid ]adj.drained of energy or effectiveness; extremely tired;...
详细解释table of contentsn.目录;篇目;英英释义 table of contents n.a list of divisions (chapters or articles) and the pages on ...
详细解释Knee padn.护膝;英英释义 Knee pad n.protective garment consisting of a pad worn by football or baseball or hockey player...
详细解释kiwifruit释义猕猴桃;英英释义 KiwifruitThe kiwifruit (usually kiwi fruit in British English), often shortened to kiwi in...