共 174 个单词
新加坡中二英语词汇Vocabulary-Secondary-Express-2相关的的单词有【feet of clay】【in disarray】【tight-lipped】【haul over the coals】【stack the cards】【stand on ceremony】【referred to】【conniving】【land of milk and honey】【embittered】【emergency brake】【bite one's tongue】【took up】【milk run】【blow the whistle】【bodybuilder】【bootlicker】【get in one's way】【give credit】【on my own】【under arms】【uncultured】【under a cloud】【under the sun】【fondling】【like water off a duck's back】【line one's pockets】【go by the book】【go off on a tangent】【go against the grain】【arrayed】【musical box】【put in place】【work against the clock】【cut it fine】【from under】【keep at arm's length】【broken-hearted】【buy time】【by a whisker】等。
tight-lippedadj.紧闭嘴巴的,守口如瓶的;讷口少言;嘴紧;口紧英英释义 tight-lipped[ 'tait'lipt ]adj.inclined to secrecy o...
详细解释connivingv.密谋 ( connive的现在分词 );搞阴谋;默许;纵容英英释义 conniving[ k'naivi ]adj.acting together in secret towa...
详细解释embitteredv.使怨恨,激怒( embitter的过去式和过去分词 );英英释义 embitter[ im'bitd ]v.cause to be bitter or resentful"Th...
详细解释emergency braken.紧急制动器,紧急闸,应急刹车; 变形 复数:emergency brakes 英英释义 emergency brake n.a brake operated ...
详细解释milk runn.战时没有危险性的飞行勤务;英英释义 Milk runA milk run, in logistics, is a round trip that facilitates both dis...
详细解释blow the whistle释义告发(...), 揭发(...);英英释义 Blow the Whistle"Blow the Whistle"is the first single from Oakland r...
详细解释bodybuildern.健身爱好者; 变形 复数:bodybuilders 英英释义 bodybuilder[ 'bdibild ]n.someone who does special exercises t...
详细解释bootlickern.拍马屁(者);英英释义 bootlicker[ 'bu:tlik ]n.someone who humbles himself as a sign of respect; who behaves...
详细解释on my own释义一已之力;英英释义 On My OwnOn My Own is a 1991 film starring Judy Davis and Matthew Ferguson. Ferguson pla...
详细解释unculturedadj.没有文化的;未受教育的;未开垦的;未耕作的英英释义 uncultured[ n'kltd ]adj.(of persons) lacking art or kno...
详细解释under a cloud释义受到怀疑;英英释义 Under a CloudUnder a Cloud is a 1937 British drama film directed by George King and ...
详细解释under the sun释义全世界的;在世界上;到底;究竟英英释义 Under the SunUnder the Sun is the debut mini-album by Cathy Leun...
详细解释fondlingn.被溺爱的人,宠爱的动物,爱子;v.爱抚,抚弄( fondle的现在分词 );英英释义 fondling[ 'fndli ]n.affectionate play...
详细解释line one's pocketsv.赚大钱;填满腰包;大发其财;肥私囊英英释义 line one's pockets v.make a lot of money
详细解释arrayedv.部署兵力( array的过去式和过去分词 );排列;整队;盛装 双语释义n.(名词)[C]展示,陈列,一系列 impressive display or...
详细解释musical boxn.音乐盒; 变形 复数:musical boxes 英英释义 musical box n.produces music by means of pins on a revolving cyl...
详细解释broken-heartedadj.心碎的;伤心;英英释义 broken-hearted[ 'brukn'ha:tid ]adj.full of sorrow同义词:brokenheartedheartbrok...
详细解释buy time释义拖延时间;英英释义 buy time v.act so as to delay an event or action in order to gain an advantage