共 174 个单词
新加坡中二英语词汇Vocabulary-Secondary-Express-2相关的的单词有【sequined】【paddle one's own canoe】【par for the course】【a storm in a teacup】【chalk it up】【a blot on the landscape】【a run for one's money】【a hue and cry】【a shot in the arm】【a king's ransom】【a place in the sun】【a house of cards】【a lump in the throat】【a tall order】【pass the hat】【pay heed to】【childminder】【chequered】【Absence makes the heart grow fonder】【after my own heart】【deck out】【make no bones about】【be tarred with the same brush】【terrorist attack】【raw nerve】【read the Riot Act】【pit bull terrier】【come off one's high horse】【cold comfort】【fan the flame】【beggars can't be choosers】【besmear】【bespatter】【All roads lead to Rome】【All at sea】【idle hand】【icing on the cake】【the world is your oyster】【the salt of the earth】【spread like wildfire】等。
sequinedadj. 闪闪的vt. 用小金属片装饰(sequin的过去分词) 英英释义 sequined[ 'si:kwind ]adj.covered with beads or jewels...
详细解释a shot in the armn.麻醉皮下注射,兴奋剂,刺激因素;英英释义 A Shot in the Arm"A Shot in the Arm"is a 1999 single by the ...
详细解释a place in the sunn.显要的地位;英英释义 A Place in the Sun"A Place in the Sun"is a song by American rock group Pablo Cr...
详细解释chequeredadj.好运和恶运交替的;英英释义 chequered[ 'tekd ]adj.patterned with alternating squares of color同义词:checked...
详细解释deck out释义妆饰;打扮;装扮;英英释义 deck out v.put on special clothes to appear particularly appealing and attractive...
详细解释make no bones about释义对(某事物)坦率,易于接受,对(做某事)不犹豫;英英释义 make no bones about v.acknowledge freely...
详细解释terrorist attackn.恐怖袭击;英英释义 terrorist attack n.a surprise attack involving the deliberate use of violence again...
详细解释raw nerve释义[电影]恐怖杀人犯;英英释义 Raw NerveRaw Nerve is a 1998 Australian film about three teenagers who rob a hou...
详细解释pit bull terriern.美洲叭喇狗,美洲嚣犬; 变形 复数:pit bull terriers 英英释义 pit bull terrier n.American breed of musc...
详细解释besmearvt.涂抹;弄脏;败坏;玷污 变形 过去式:besmeared过去分词:besmeared现在分词:besmearing第三人称单数:besmears 英英...
详细解释bespattervt.溅污; 变形 过去式:bespattered过去分词:bespattered现在分词:bespattering第三人称单数:bespatters 英英释义 ...
详细解释All at sean.茫然不知,迷惑;瞠目结舌;英英释义 All at SeaAll at Sea is a 1977 Australian TV movie about a group of misfi...
详细解释icing on the cake释义锦上添花;英英释义 Icing on the Cake"Icing on the Cake"is the 17th episode from the dramedy series ...