共 198 个单词
brawlern.争吵者,打架者;英英释义 brawler[ 'br:l ]n.a fighter (especially one who participates in brawls)
详细解释hercules释义[体]大力士;英英释义 hercules[ 'h:kjuli:z ]n.(classical mythology) a hero noted for his strength; performed ...
详细解释Arcadianadj.田园牧歌式的;英英释义 Arcadian[ :'keidin ]n.an inhabitant of Arcadiaadj.used of idealized country life"a co...
详细解释outflankv.翼侧包围; 变形 过去式:outflanked过去分词:outflanked现在分词:outflanking第三人称单数:outflanks 英英释义 ou...
详细解释bloodlinen.(动物的)血统,血族; 变形 复数:bloodlines 英英释义 bloodline[ 'bldlain ]n.the descendants of one individua...
详细解释councilmann.议员,市议会议员; 变形 复数:councilmen 英英释义 councilman[ 'kaunslmn ]n.a man who is a council member
详细解释lecherousadj.好色的,淫荡的;英英释义 lecherous[ 'letrs ]adj.given to excessive indulgence in sexual activity"a lecherou...
详细解释hunchbackn.驼背,驼背者; 变形 复数:hunchbacks 英英释义 hunchback[ 'hntbk ]n.an abnormal backward curve to the vertebra...
详细解释zeusn.宙斯(希腊神话中的主神);英英释义 zeus[ zju:s ]n.(Greek mythology) the supreme god of ancient Greek mythology; so...
详细解释kingshipn.王位;王权;君主的身份和尊严;君主政体英英释义 kingship[ 'kiip ]n.the dignity or rank or position of a king
详细解释madmann.疯子;精神失常者,男性精神病人;;狂人 变形 复数:madmen 英英释义 madman[ 'mdmn ]n.an insane person同义词:lunat...
详细解释barbarismn.野蛮状态或行为;不规范的词或表达方式;英英释义 barbarism[ 'b:brizm ]n.a brutal barbarous savage act同义词:br...
详细解释warpathn.出征路途,敌对行动; 变形 复数:warpaths 英英释义 warpath[ 'w:p:, -p ]n.hostile or belligerent mood"the chief i...
详细解释horridadj.引起反感的;可怕的;恐怖的;极讨厌的英英释义 horrid[ 'hrid ]adj.exceedingly bad"when she was bad she was horri...
详细解释mysticismn.神秘;神秘主义;玄想(的谬说);英英释义 mysticism[ 'mistisizm ]n.a religion based on mystical communion with...
详细解释obliterationn.涂去,删除;管腔闭合;英英释义 obliteration[ ,blit'rein ]n.destruction by annihilating something同义词:an...
详细解释bodyguardn.保镖;卫士,警卫员; 变形 复数:bodyguards 英英释义 bodyguard[ 'bdi:d ]n.someone who escorts and protects a p...
详细解释trickstern.骗子,无赖; 变形 复数:tricksters 英英释义 trickster[ 'trikst ]n.someone who plays practical jokes on others...
详细解释valorn.(尤指战斗中的)勇猛,英勇;英英释义 valor[ 'vl ]n.the qualities of a hero or heroine; exceptional or heroic cour...
详细解释atheniann.雅典人;adj.雅典的,雅典人的,雅典文化的;英英释义 athenian[ 'i:njn ]n.a resident of Athensadj.of or relating ...
详细解释spartan.三三席纹硬帆布;英英释义 sparta[ 'spa:t ]n.an ancient Greek city famous for military prowess; the dominant city ...
详细解释opportunistn.机会主义者;投机取巧者; 变形 复数:opportunists 英英释义 opportunistn.a person who places expediency above...
详细解释backsiden.臀部,背部;后方; 变形 复数:backsides 英英释义 backside[ ,bk'said ]n.the side of an object that is opposite ...
详细解释drunkenadj.酒醉的;常醉的;酗酒的;英英释义 drunken[ 'drkn ]adj.given to or marked by the consumption of alcohol"a drunk...
详细解释warlordn.军阀; 变形 复数:warlords 英英释义 warlord[ 'w:l:d ]n.supreme military leader exercising civil power in a regi...
详细解释fangn.尖牙;(蛇的)毒牙;犬牙;蜘蛛的螯角 变形 复数:fangs 英英释义 fang[ f ]n.a Bantu language spoken in Camerooncanin...
详细解释annihilationn.歼灭;灭绝;(粒子与反粒子的)湮灭;湮没英英释义 annihilationn.destruction by annihilating something同义词...