共 52 个单词
partakern.参与者,分担者;英英释义 partaker[ pa:'teik ]n.someone who has or gives or receives a part or a share同义词:s...
详细解释detainmentn.挽留,延误;英英释义 detainment[ di'teinmnt ]n.a state of being confined (usually for a short time)同义词:d...
详细解释rejectiveadj.拒绝的,排斥的;英英释义 rejective[ ri'dektiv ]adj.rejecting or tending to reject"rejective or overcritical...
详细解释animismn.万物有灵论;泛灵论;英英释义 animism[ 'nimizm ]n.the doctrine that all natural objects and the universe itself ...
详细解释indocileadj.不听话的,不顺从的,难教的;英英释义 indocile[ in'dusail ]adj.of persons同义词:uncontrollableungovernableun...
详细解释enterprisern.企业家,干事业的人,工商业投机家; 变形 复数:enterprisers 英英释义 enterpriser[ 'entpraiz ]n.someone who o...
详细解释juraladj.法律上的,有关权利义务的;英英释义 jural[ 'durl ]adj.of or relating to law or to legal rights and obligations同...
详细解释juvenescencen.返老还童,变年轻;英英释义 juvenescence[ ,du:v'nesns ]n.the process of growing into a youth
详细解释fractionalizevt.把…分成几部分; 变形 过去式:fractionalized过去分词:fractionalized现在分词:fractionalizing第三人称单数...
详细解释nutrimentn.营养品;滋养;养料;英英释义 nutriment[ 'nju:trimnt ]n.a source of materials to nourish the body同义词:nouri...
详细解释ruralityn.田园风味,田园风光;英英释义 rurality[ ru'rlti ]n.a rural characteristic or trait"a place with the rurality of...
详细解释edibilityn.适食性,可食性;可食用性;英英释义 edibility[ ,edi'bilti ]n.the property of being fit to eat同义词:ediblenes...
详细解释inhabitancyn.居住,住所; 变形 复数:inhabitancies 英英释义 inhabitancy[ in'hbitnsi ]n.the act of dwelling in or living ...
详细解释alterableadj.可变的,可改的;英英释义 alterable[ ':ltrbl ]adj.capable of being changed or altered in some characteristic...
详细解释infractvt.违反,侵害; 变形 过去式:infracted过去分词:infracted现在分词:infracting第三人称单数:infracts 英英释义 infr...
详细解释juvenilityn.年轻,不成熟; 变形 复数:juvenilities 英英释义 juvenility[ ,du:v'nilti ]n.lacking and evidencing lack of ex...
详细解释urbanizevt.使都市化,使文雅; 变形 过去式:urbanized过去分词:urbanized现在分词:urbanizing第三人称单数:urbanizes 英英释...
详细解释restitutev.复原,归还; 变形 过去式:restituted过去分词:restituted现在分词:restituting第三人称单数:restitutes 英英释义...
详细解释injudiciousadj.判断不当的,不聪明的,浅薄的;英英释义 injudicious[ ,indu:'dis ]adj.lacking or showing lack of judgment o...
详细解释detractionn.诽谤;英英释义 detraction[ di'trkn ]n.a petty disparagement同义词:petty criticismthe act of discrediting or...
详细解释destructorn.破坏者,垃圾焚毁炉,爆炸装置;英英释义 DestructorIn object-oriented programming, a destructor (sometimes sho...
详细解释inhabitableadj.适于居住的,可居住的;英英释义 inhabitable[ in'hbitbl ]adj.fit for habitation同义词:habitable