共 41 个单词
托业-TOEIC990分-核心词汇相关的的单词有【case history】【slam into】【agony column】【defilement】【computer literate】【reliable source】【general strike】【presidential election】【bounced check】【housing complex】【proselyte】【upper class】【free rein】【litmus test】【plea bargain】【security system】【gravid】【cost of living】【capital gain】【Darwinism】【consumer price index】【news conference】【preliterate】【undulant】【bionics】【defoliant】【waster】【avouch】【tropical rainforest】【sole proprietor】【sound system】【prime rate】【minimum wage】【labour law】【ethnic minority】【wind tunnel】【mass media】【ultraviolet ray】【population explosion】【holding company】等。
case historyn.病历,个人历史; 变形 复数:case histories 英英释义 case history n.detailed record of the background of a ...
详细解释agony columnn.(报刊上登载的寻人、寻物、离婚等启事的)私事广告栏; 变形 复数:agony columns 英英释义 agony column n.a ne...
详细解释defilementn.弄脏,污辱,污秽;英英释义 defilement[ di'failmnt ]n.the state of being polluted同义词:befoulmentpollution
详细解释general striken.总罢工; 变形 复数:general strikes 英英释义 General strikeA general strike is a strike action in which ...
详细解释presidential election释义[法]总统选举;英英释义 Presidential electionA presidential election is the election of any head...
详细解释upper classn.上层社会,贵族阶层; 变形 复数:upper classes 英英释义 upper class n.the class occupying the highest positi...
详细解释litmus testn.石蕊试验,试金石,最后的检验; 变形 复数:litmus tests 英英释义 litmus test n.a coloring material (obtained...
详细解释plea bargainn.坦白从宽;辩诉交易; 变形 复数:plea bargains过去式:plea bargained现在分词:plea bargaining第三人称单数:...
详细解释security systemn.保障国家(或国际)安全系统;英英释义 security system n.(computing) a system that enforces boundaries be...
详细解释gravidadj.怀孕的,妊娠的;英英释义 gravid[ 'rvid ]adj.in an advanced stage of pregnancy同义词:big(p)enceinteexpectantgr...
详细解释cost of livingn.生活费;生活费用;英英释义 cost of living n.average cost of basic necessities of life (as food and shelt...
详细解释capital gainn.资本利益,资本收益;英英释义 capital gain n.the amount by which the selling price of an asset exceeds the ...
详细解释Darwinismn.达尔文学说,进化论;英英释义 Darwinism[ 'd:winizm ]n.a theory of organic evolution claiming that new species ...
详细解释consumer price indexn.消费者物价指数;英英释义 consumer price index n.an index of the cost of all goods and services to ...
详细解释news conferencen.记者招待会; 变形 复数:news conferences 英英释义 news conference n.a conference at which press and tv ...
详细解释preliterateadj.没有文字的,尚无文字的;英英释义 preliterate[ pri:'litrt ]adj.not yet having acquired the ability to read...
详细解释undulantadj.起伏的,波状的;英英释义 undulant[ 'ndjulnt ]adj.resembling waves in form or outline or motion同义词:undula...
详细解释bionicsn.仿生学;英英释义 bionics[ bai'niks ]n.application of biological principals to the study and design of engineeri...
详细解释defoliantn.脱叶剂,落叶剂; 变形 复数:defoliants 英英释义 defoliant[ du:'fulint ]n.a chemical that is sprayed on plants...
详细解释wastern.造成浪费的人或东西,挥霍者;不珍惜时间和金钱的人;英英释义 waster[ 'weist ]n.someone who dissipates resources se...
详细解释tropical rainforest释义热带雨林;英英释义 Tropical rainforestA tropical rainforest is an ecosystem type that occurs roug...
详细解释sound systemn.音响系统; 变形 复数:sound systems 英英释义 sound system n.a system of electronic equipment for recording...
详细解释prime ratena.最优惠贷款利率; 变形 复数:prime rates 英英释义 Prime ratePrime rate or prime lending rate is a term appli...
详细解释minimum wage释义最低工资;英英释义 minimum wage n.the lowest wage that an employer is allowed to pay; determined by cont...
详细解释labour law释义劳工法;英英释义 Labour lawLabour law (also labor law or employment law) mediates the relationship between...
详细解释ethnic minorityn.[法]少数民族;英英释义 ethnic minority n.a group that has different national or cultural traditions fro...
详细解释wind tunneln.风洞; 变形 复数:wind tunnels 英英释义 wind tunnel n.a structure resembling a tunnel where air is blown at...
详细解释mass median.大众传播媒体,大众传媒,海量媒体数据;广效传播媒介;英英释义 Mass mediaThe mass media are diversified media ...
详细解释holding company释义控股公司; 变形 复数:holding companies 英英释义 holding company n.a company with controlling shares ...