共 82 个单词
扇贝新闻常见词组相关的的单词有【autonomous region】【in keeping with】【state assets】【slim down】【civil case】【detention center】【come due】【stand ready to】【a dearth of】【estimate at】【lie about】【take step to】【open fire】【ferry service】【battle against】【rubber stamp】【default on】【back-and-forth】【saturate with】【breadth and depth】【drag down】【dry spell】【fixed asset】【debt relief】【cotton to】【come to a close】【commercial use】【field day】【go bust】【notch up】【keep tabs on】【stick in】【shake up】【ramp up】【dig into】【grapple with】【fly about】【in the field】【put behind】【push back】等。
autonomous region释义自治区;英英释义 Autonomous regionAutonomous region is a designation for some types of autonomous a...
详细解释slim down释义消瘦;英英释义 slim down v.take off weight同义词:reducemelt offlose weightslimslenderizethin
详细解释detention centern.(青少年罪犯)感化中心,拘留中心;英英释义 Detention centerA detention center or a detention centre is...
详细解释rubber stampn.橡皮图章;无主见的人;照常规的批准;刻板文章 变形 复数:rubber stamps过去式:rubber stamped过去分词:rubbe...
详细解释back-and-forthna.来回地网络向后再向前;反复地;来回的 英英释义 back-and-forthadv.moving from one place to another and ba...
详细解释drag down释义拖下去,把身体拖垮;英英释义 drag down v.exert a force with a heavy weight同义词:bear downbear down onpres...
详细解释fixed assetn.[经] 固定资产; 变形 复数:fixed assets 英英释义 Fixed assetFixed assets, also known as a liability or as p...
详细解释debt relief释义债务免除;英英释义 Debt reliefDebt relief is the partial or total forgiveness of debt, or the slowing or ...
详细解释field dayn.野外实习日;户外集会;体育比赛日;有重要活动(如辩论等)的日子英英释义 field day n.(military) a day for milit...
详细解释stick in释义坚持;把…放入…;将…刺入…;把某物贴在…内英英释义 stick in v.insert casually同义词:slip insneak ininsert...
详细解释shake up释义摇匀;以摇动弄好;使战栗;吃惊英英释义 shake up n.the imposition of a new organization; organizing different...
详细解释ramp upvt.& vi.[动词短语]加强,加大;斜坡上升;英英释义 ramp up v.bolster or strengthen同义词:build upwork upbuild
详细解释dig into释义挖掘;把…戳进…;调查;刻苦钻研英英释义 dig into v.examine physically with or as if with a probe同义词:pro...