共 51 个单词
张剑英语阅读150篇核心词汇相关的的单词有【centre on】【patent law】【adept at】【speak against】【marginal cost】【fair-minded】【big shot】【militarise】【off limits】【fired up】【give credit to】【brain teaser】【Brave New World】【monetarism】【road test】【from the ground up】【at play】【dust jacket】【strip away】【directionality】【smash up】【scare away】【play fast and loose】【chip away】【misdiagnose】【have a go at】【supply chain】【heaps of】【have a bearing on】【nothing less than】【encage】【run with】【march on】【sound the alarm】【grace period】【run afoul of】【hard news】【sticker price】【be akin to】【stray away from】等。
patent law释义专利权法;英英释义 patent law n.that branch of jurisprudence that studies the laws governing patents
详细解释marginal costn.边际成本;英英释义 marginal cost n.the increase or decrease in costs as a result of one more or one less ...
详细解释fair-mindedadj.公正的,公平的;正直;中允;英英释义 fair-minded[ 'fmaindid ]adj.of a person; just and impartial; not pre...
详细解释big shotn.权贵之人,大亨,大人物; 变形 复数:big shots 英英释义 big shot n.an important influential person同义词:big g...
详细解释militarisev.军事化,军国化;英英释义 militarise[ 'militraiz ]v.lend a military character to (a country), as by building ...
详细解释off limits释义禁止入内;英英释义 off limits adj.barred to a designated group同义词:off-limitsout-of-bounds(p)
详细解释brain teaser释义脑筋急转弯,动动脑筋; 变形 复数:brain teasers 英英释义 brain teaser n.a difficult problem同义词:riddl...
详细解释Brave New World释义美好的新世界(指社会大变动后出现的使人满怀希望的新时期,常含有讽刺意味);英英释义 Brave New WorldBra...
详细解释monetarismn.货币主义;英英释义 monetarism[ 'mnitrizm, 'mn- ]n.an economic theory holding that variations in unemployment...
详细解释from the ground up释义从头开始;完全地,彻底地;英英释义 From the Ground UpFrom the Ground Up (FTGU) is a pilot's traini...
详细解释at play释义在游戏;英英释义 At PlayAt Play is a compilation album from the progressive house artist deadmau5. The album ...
详细解释dust jacketn.包书纸,书皮; 变形 复数:dust jackets 英英释义 dust jacket n.a paper jacket for a book; a jacket on which ...
详细解释directionalityn.方向性,定向性;指向性;英英释义 directionality[ di,rek'nlti, dai- ]n.the property of a microphone or an...
详细解释smash up释义砸坏(某物),使受损坏;捣毁;英英释义 smash up n.a serious collision (especially of motor vehicles)同义词:...
详细解释scare away释义使(某人)望而却步,吓跑…;英英释义 scare away v.cause to lose courage同义词:dauntdashscare offpallfrigh...
详细解释chip away释义拆掉,削掉,铲除;凿[敲]下碎片;蚕食;逐步瓦解英英释义 chip away v.remove or withdraw gradually:同义词:chi...
详细解释supply chainn.供应链;英英释义 Supply chainA supply chain is a system of organizations, people, activities, information,...
详细解释march on释义(继续)向前进,向…推进,进入检阅场地;英英释义 march on v.move forward, also in the metaphorical sense同义...
详细解释sound the alarm释义发警报,吹警报号;敲警钟;英英释义 Sound the AlarmSound the Alarm is an American Pop rock band from B...
详细解释grace periodn.(行动、责任等的)宽限期;英英释义 Grace periodA grace period is a time past the deadline for an obligatio...