共 23 个单词
广州版英语五年级下上两册单词相关的的单词有【surf the net】【sea food】【have a bath】【kapok】【blue whale】【pen friend】【straight ahead】【mustn't】【how often】【go sightseeing】【after class】【the Arctic】【be going to】【do well in】【pine tree】【go to work】【go for a walk】【TV Station】【take exercise】【on land】【take medicine】【Snow White】【the Antarctic】等。
sea foodn.海产食物,海鲜;英英释义 sea food n.edible fish (broadly including freshwater fish) or shellfish or roe etc同义...
详细解释kapokn.木棉花,木丝棉;红棉;英英释义 kapok[ 'keipk ]n.a plant fiber from the kapok tree; used for stuffing and insulati...
详细解释blue whalen.蓝鲸;英英释义 blue whale n.largest mammal ever known; bluish-grey migratory whalebone whale mostly of south...
详细解释pen friendn.笔友;英英释义 pen friend n.a person you come to know by frequent friendly correspondence同义词:pen palpen-...
详细解释straight ahead英英释义 Straight AheadStraight Ahead is a live album by drummer Art Blakey and The Jazz Messengers record...
详细解释TV Stationn.电视台;英英释义 TV Station n.station for the production and transmission of television broadcasts同义词:te...
详细解释on land释义旱;英英释义 on land adv.towards the shore from the water同义词:ashoretoward landonto land