共 85 个单词
少年Pi的奇幻漂流相关的的单词有【mako】【mange】【agouti】【fathomless】【hasp】【potbelly】【blindingly】【block up】【ocelot】【opossum】【footrest】【gnu】【irresolvable】【hurly-burly】【Muhammad】【rufous】【punctuation mark】【freeload】【fretwork】【frugivorous】【nit-picking】【lucidity】【esplanade】【good grief】【grommet】【netherworld】【tomfoolery】【sinker】【bract】【worrywart】【gooseneck】【weft】【mandrill】【grouper】【cosmogony】【tapir】【outmatch】【flunky】【sublimity】【anthropomorphize】等。
makon.灰鲭鲨; 变形 复数:makos 英英释义 mako[ 'm:ku ]n.powerful mackerel shark of the Atlantic and Pacific同义词:mako ...
详细解释mangen.兽疥癣,家畜疥;螨病;英英释义 mange[ meind ]n.a persistent and contagious disease of the skin causing inflammati...
详细解释agoutin.刺豚鼠,刺豚鼠皮毛上的深浅环纹; 变形 复数:agoutiesagoutis 英英释义 agouti[ 'u:ti ]n.agile long-legged rabbit-s...
详细解释potbellyn.大肚皮,大腹;英英释义 potbelly[ 'pt,beli ]n.slang for a paunch同义词:potbay windowcorporationtummya bulbous ...
详细解释blindingly释义很;极其; 双语释义adj.(形容词)失明的,瞎眼的 unable or without the power to see, unable or failing to see视...
详细解释block up释义封闭;堵塞;垫高;封锁英英释义 block up v.render unsuitable for passage同义词:barricadeblockblockadestopblo...
详细解释ocelotn.(南北美洲产的)虎猫;英英释义 ocelot[ 'usilt, '- ]n.nocturnal wildcat of Central America and South America havi...
详细解释opossumn.尾有卷握力的小有袋动物;负鼠;装死;装蒜 变形 复数:opossums 英英释义 opossum[ 'psm ]n.small furry Australian a...
详细解释footrestn.脚凳;英英释义 footrest[ 'fut,rest ]n.a low seat or a stool to rest the feet of a seated person同义词:footsto...
详细解释gnun.角马(南非产的像牛的大羚羊); 变形 复数:gnus 英英释义 gnu[ nju: ]n.large African antelope having a head with horn...
详细解释hurly-burlyn.吵闹,骚动;英英释义 hurly-burly[ 'h:li,b:li ]n.a disorderly outburst or tumult同义词:disturbancedisruptio...
详细解释Muhammadn.穆罕默德(约570~632,伊斯兰教创始人);英英释义 Muhammad[ mu'hmd ]n.leader of Black Muslims who campaigned fo...
详细解释rufousadj.红褐色的;红棕色;英英释义 RufousRufous is a colour that may be described as reddish-brown or brownish-red, as...
详细解释punctuation markn.标点符号; 变形 复数:punctuation marks 英英释义 punctuation mark n.the marks used to clarify meaning ...
详细解释freeloadv.吃白食,不劳而获;n.一种离线浏览主页的工具软件;英英释义 freeload[ 'fri:lud ]v.live off somebody's generosity"...
详细解释fretworkn.回纹饰,线条与空间图案,回纹饰工序;透雕细工;英英释义 fretwork[ 'fretw:k ]n.framework consisting of an orname...
详细解释nit-pickingadj.挑剔的,找茬儿的;英英释义 nit-picking[ 'nit,piki ]adj.quibbling over insignificant details同义词:cavili...
详细解释lucidityn.明朗,清晰,透明;英英释义 lucidity[ lju:'sidti ]n.free from obscurity and easy to understand; the comprehensi...
详细解释esplanaden.平坦的空地,游憩场,散步路; 变形 复数:esplanades 英英释义 esplanade[ ,espl'neid ]n.a long stretch of open l...
详细解释good grief释义(表示诧异,吃惊,恐惧的感叹语)哎呀! 天哪!;英英释义 Good Grief"Good Grief"is the fourth episode of sea...
详细解释grommetn.金属扣眼,索环;垫环;衬环;索眼英英释义 grommet[ 'rmit ]n.fastener consisting of a metal ring for lining a sma...
详细解释netherworldn.阴间;下层社会;黄泉;英英释义 netherworld[ 'ne,w:ld ]n.(religion) the world of the dead同义词:HelHellHade...
详细解释tomfooleryn.愚蠢的举动,无聊; 变形 复数:tomfooleries 英英释义 tomfoolery[ tm'fu:lri ]n.foolish or senseless behavior同...
详细解释sinkern.下沉的人;沉锚;沉点;沉子英英释义 sinker[ 'sik ]n.a small ring-shaped friedcake同义词:doughnutdonuta weight th...
详细解释bractn.苞叶,苞;英英释义 bract[ brkt ]n.a modified leaf or leaflike part just below and protecting an inflorescence
详细解释worrywartn.自寻烦恼的人;英英释义 worrywart[ 'wriw:t, 'w:- ]n.thinks about unfortunate things that might happen同义词:w...
详细解释gooseneckn.曲如鹅颈之物,雁颈,鹅颈管;鹅圈;英英释义 gooseneck[ 'u:snek ]n.something in a thin curved form (like the ne...
详细解释weftn.织物,信号旗,求救信号;纬;纬起圈;英英释义 weft[ weft ]n.the yarn woven across the warp yarn in weaving同义词:w...
详细解释mandrilln.山魈(西非洲产的大狒狒);英英释义 mandrill[ 'mndril ]n.baboon of west Africa with a bright red and blue muzzl...
详细解释groupern.鲶科鱼;英英释义 grouper[ 'ru:p ]n.flesh of a saltwater fish similar to sea bassusually solitary bottom sea bas...
详细解释cosmogonyn.宇宙的产生,宇宙进化论; 变形 复数:cosmogonies 英英释义 cosmogony[ kz'mni ]n.the branch of astrophysics that...
详细解释tapirn.貘; 变形 复数:tapirs 英英释义 tapir[ 'teip, -pi, t'pi ]n.large inoffensive chiefly nocturnal ungulate of tropic...
详细解释outmatchvt.胜过,优于; 变形 过去式:outmatched过去分词:outmatched现在分词:outmatching第三人称单数:outmatches 英英释义...
详细解释flunkyn.阿谀奉承者;势利小人;马屁精;(穿制服的)男仆英英释义 flunky[ 'flki ]n.a male servant (especially a footman)同义...
详细解释sublimityn.崇高,庄严,气质高尚; 变形 复数:sublimities 英英释义 sublimity[ s'blimiti ]n.nobility in thought or feeling...
详细解释anthropomorphizev.人格化,赋与人性; 变形 过去式:anthropomorphized过去分词:anthropomorphized现在分词:anthropomorphizi...