共 24 个单词
小学英语外研版三年起级起点相关的的单词有【ha ha】【couldn't】【there is】【e-book】【fly away】【you're】【pen friend】【some time】【library card】【flag day】【it's】【make mistake】【sports day】【morning exercises】【long ago】【what's the matter】【go skating】【play chess】【best wishes】【soya milk】【middle school】【No.】【skipping rope】【The Dragon Boat Festival】等。
ha han.哈哈的笑声;英英释义 ha ha n.a loud laugh that sounds like a horse neighing同义词:hee-hawhorselaughha-hahaw-hawa...
详细解释there is释义那儿有;有着;英英释义 There Is"There Is"is the second single and tenth track from Box Car Racer's eponymous...
详细解释e-bookn.电子书; 变形 复数:e-books 英英释义 E-bookAn electronic book (variously: e-book, eBook, e-Book, ebook, digital ...
详细解释fly away释义离开,飞离;英英释义 fly away adj.guided by whim and fancy同义词:flightyflyawayhead-in-the-cloudsscatterbra...
详细解释pen friendn.笔友;英英释义 pen friend n.a person you come to know by frequent friendly correspondence同义词:pen palpen-...
详细解释some time释义在未来的某时,经过若干时间;英英释义 some time adj.belonging to some prior time同义词:erstwhile(a)former(a...
详细解释library cardn.借书证;英英释义 library card n.a card certifying the bearer's right to use the library同义词:borrower's ...
详细解释flag dayn.(英国的)旗日,公益事业募捐日; 变形 复数:flag days 英英释义 flag day n.commemorating the adoption of the Un...
详细解释sports dayn.(学校的)运动日; 变形 复数:sports days 英英释义 Sports daySports days, sometimes referred to as field day...
详细解释morning exercises释义早操;英英释义 Morning ExercisesMorning Exercises refers to a religious observance by Puritans in L...
详细解释long ago释义很久以前,从前;悠远;早;早已英英释义 long ago adj.belonging to time long gone同义词:long-agoadv.of the di...
详细解释play chessv.下棋;英英释义 PlaychessPlaychess is a commercial Internet chess server edited by ChessBase devoted to the p...
详细解释soya milk释义豆乳;英英释义 soya milk n.a milk substitute containing soybean flour and water; used in some infant formul...
详细解释middle schooln.中等学校,中学; 变形 复数:middle schools 英英释义 middle school n.a school for students intermediate be...
详细解释No.n.号码,编号; 双语释义adv.(副词)不,不是 used as an answer expressing refusal or disagreement毫不,一点也不 not anyadj...
详细解释skipping rope释义跳绳用绳子; 变形 复数:skipping ropes 英英释义 skipping rope n.a length of rope (usually with handles ...
详细解释The Dragon Boat Festival释义端午节(端午节为每年农历五月初五,本来是夏季的一个驱除瘟疫的节日,后来楚国诗人屈原于端午节投...