共 72 个单词
安全工程专业英语相关的的单词有【mucous】【ionizer】【percutaneous】【asphyxiation】【carpal】【fibrillation】【rickettsia】【reparable】【gadgetry】【promulgation】【volitional】【acclimatization】【time consuming】【acclimatize】【polythene】【refurbishment】【coal field】【circular saw】【inrush】【manufacturing industry】【in the vicinity of】【asphyxia】【acetylene】【spinal cord】【eec】【insurance premium】【earlobe】【spell out】【workpiece】【multidimensional】【adhere to】【common sense】等。
mucousadj.黏液的,黏液覆盖的;英英释义 mucous[ 'mju:ks ]adj.of or secreting or covered with or resembling mucus"mucous t...
详细解释percutaneousadj.经皮的,由皮的;英英释义 percutaneous[ ,p:kju:'teinis ]adj.through the unbroken skin; refers to medicati...
详细解释asphyxiationn.窒息;英英释义 asphyxiation[ s,fiksi'ein ]n.the condition of being deprived of oxygen (as by having breath...
详细解释carpaladj.腕骨的;英英释义 carpal[ 'k:pl ]n.any of the eight small bones of the wrist of primates同义词:carpal bonewris...
详细解释fibrillationn.肌纤维震颤;纤维化;原纤化;英英释义 fibrillation[ ,faibri'lein ]n.muscular twitching involving individual...
详细解释rickettsian.发疹伤寒等的病原体; 变形 复数:rickettsiae 英英释义 rickettsia[ ri'ketsi ]n.any of a group of very small ro...
详细解释reparableadj.可修理的;英英释义 reparable[ 'reprbl ]adj.capable of being repaired or rectified"reparable damage to the c...
详细解释gadgetryn.小机械,小器具;英英释义 gadgetry[ 'ditri ]n.appliances collectively"laborsaving gadgetry"
详细解释promulgationn.颁布;英英释义 promulgation[ ,prml'ein, ,pruml- ]n.a public statement about something that is happening or...
详细解释volitionaladj.意志的,凭意志的;英英释义 volitional[ vu'linl ]adj.with deliberate intention"a volitional act"
详细解释acclimatizationn.环境适应性;服水土;服习;驯化英英释义 acclimatization[ ,klaimtai'zein, -ti'z- ]n.adaptation to a new c...
详细解释time consumingadj.耗费时间的,旷日持久的;英英释义 time consuming adj.of a task that takes time and patience同义词:time...
详细解释acclimatizevi.& vt.(使)服水土,(使)适应新气候或环境; 变形 过去式:acclimatized过去分词:acclimatized现在分词:accli...
详细解释polythenen.[化]聚乙烯;=polyethylene;英英释义 polythene[ 'pli,i:n ]n.a lightweight thermoplastic; used especially in pa...
详细解释refurbishmentn.整修;翻新;重新磨亮; 变形 复数:refurbishments 英英释义 refurbishment[ ri'f:bimnt ]n.the state of being...
详细解释coal field释义煤田;英英释义 coal field n.a region where there is coal underground同义词:coalfield
详细解释circular sawn.圆锯; 变形 复数:circular saws 英英释义 circular saw n.a power saw that has a steel disk with cutting tee...
详细解释asphyxian.血液中缺氧;窒息;无脉;英英释义 asphyxia[ s'fiksi ]n.a condition in which insufficient or no oxygen and carbo...
详细解释acetylenen.乙炔,电石气;英英释义 acetylene[ 'setili:n ]n.a colorless flammable gas used chiefly in welding and in organ...
详细解释spinal cordn.脊髓; 变形 复数:spinal cords 英英释义 spinal cord n.a major part of the central nervous system which cond...
详细解释eecabbr.electronic engine control 电子发动机控制;英英释义 eecn.an international organization of European countries form...
详细解释insurance premiumn.保险费;英英释义 insurance premium n.payment for insurance同义词:premium
详细解释earloben.耳垂; 变形 复数:earlobes 英英释义 earlobe[ 'ilub ]n.the fleshy pendulous part of the external human ear同义词...
详细解释spell out释义拼出,读出;阐明;英英释义 spell out v.make explicit; specify in detailspell fully and without abbreviating...
详细解释workpiecen.工件,工作部件; 变形 复数:workpieces 英英释义 workpiece[ 'w:kpi:s ]n.work consisting of a piece of metal be...
详细解释multidimensionaladj.多面的,多维的;英英释义 multidimensional[ ,mltidi'mennl ]adj.having or involving or marked by sever...
详细解释common sensen.常识(尤指判断力);英英释义 common sense n.sound practical judgment同义词:good sensegumptionhorse senses...