共 72 个单词
安全工程专业英语相关的的单词有【respiratory tract】【cosmic ray】【triangulate】【dosimetry】【unobstructed】【asbestosis】【nonferrous】【planer】【functionalist】【vested interest】【superordinate】【accelerant】【ppe】【dumper】【cholinesterase】【pyrophoric】【double check】【criticality】【paviour】【purlin】【sledge hammer】【deflagration】【fork lift truck】【short circuit】【dinitrobenzene】【mowing machine】【guard rail】【defibrillate】【intervenor】【precast】【cementitious】【phase transition】【gob】【jackhammer】【semipermeable】【musculoskeletal】【pneumoconiosis】【narcosis】【knee jerk】【hematopoietic】等。
respiratory tract释义呼吸道;英英释义 respiratory tract n.the passages through which air enters and leaves the body同义词...
详细解释cosmic rayn.宇宙光;宇宙线;英英释义 cosmic ray n.highly penetrating ionizing radiation of extraterrestrial origin; cons...
详细解释triangulatevt.分成三角形,对…作三角测量;adj.由三角形而成的,有三角花样的;英英释义 triangulate[ trai'julit, -leit ]v.d...
详细解释dosimetryn.放射量测定;英英释义 dosimetry[ du'simitri ]n.measuring the dose of radiation emitted by a radioactive source
详细解释unobstructedadj.不被阻塞的,没有障碍的,畅通无阻的;交通;英英释义 unobstructed[ 'nb'strktid ]adj.free from impediment o...
详细解释asbestosisn.石棉沉滞症;英英释义 asbestosis[ ,zbes'tusis ]n.lung disease caused by inhaling asbestos particles
详细解释planern.刨工,刨机;刨路机;水榆;平刨英英释义 planer[ 'plein ]n.a power tool for smoothing or shaping wood同义词:plane...
详细解释functionalistn.机能主义者;adj.机能主义的; 变形 复数:functionalists 英英释义 functionalist[ 'fknlist ]n.an adherent of...
详细解释vested interestn.既得利益; 变形 复数:vested interests 英英释义 vested interest n.(law) an interest in which there is a...
详细解释accelerantn.促进剂;英英释义 AccelerantAccelerants play a major role in chemistry. Most chemical reactions can be hasten...
详细解释ppeabbr.personal protective equipment 个人保护装置;philosophy;politics; and economics 哲学英英释义 PPEPPE may stand f...
详细解释dumpern.垃圾倾倒车,倾卸装置,垃圾倾倒员;运料车;英英释义 dumper[ 'dmp ]n.truck whose contents can be emptied without h...
详细解释cholinesterasen.胆碱脂酶;英英释义 cholinesterase[ ,kuli'nestreis ]n.an enzyme that hydrolyses acetylcholine (into choli...
详细解释double checkn.仔细的检查;英英释义 double check n.something that checks the correctness of a previous check同义词:count...
详细解释criticalityn.危险程度;临界;英英释义 criticality[ ,kriti'klti ]n.a state of critical urgency同义词:criticalnesscrucial...
详细解释paviourn.铺设工人,铺设材料;英英释义 paviour[ 'peivj ]n.a machine for laying pavement同义词:paviorpaving machine
详细解释purlinn.檩桁条;梁;檩条;英英释义 PurlinIn architecture, structural engineering or building, a purlin (or historically ...
详细解释sledge hammern.大锤,有压服力的东西;英英释义 sledge hammer n.a heavy long-handled hammer used to drive stakes or wedges...
详细解释deflagrationn.爆燃过程;暴燃;英英释义 deflagration[ ,defl'grein ]n.combustion that propagates through a gas or along th...
详细解释short circuitn.短路;短接;英英释义 short circuit n.accidental contact between two points in an electric circuit that ha...
详细解释guard rail释义护轨;护仔栏;防护轨;防护栏英英释义 guard rail n.a railing placed alongside a stairway or road for safety...
详细解释defibrillatev.(使)心脏除颤;英英释义 defibrillate[ di'faibrileit ]v.stop the fibrillation and restore normal contracti...
详细解释intervenorn.干预者,介入者;英英释义 intervenor[ ,int'vi:n ]n.(law) a party who interposes in a pending proceeding
详细解释cementitiousadj.似水泥的,有黏性的;英英释义 cementitious[ ,si:men'tis ]adj.like or relevant to or having the properties...
详细解释phase transition释义相变;英英释义 phase transition n.a change from one state (solid or liquid or gas) to another withou...
详细解释jackhammern.手提钻;英英释义 jackhammer[ 'dk,hm ]n.a hammer driven by compressed air同义词:air hammerpneumatic hammer
详细解释semipermeableadj.半透性的;英英释义 semipermeable[ ,semi'p:mibl, ,semai- ]adj.(of a membrane) selectively permeable
详细解释musculoskeletaladj.肌(与)骨骼的;英英释义 musculoskeletal[ ,mskjulu'skelitl ]adj.relating to muscles and skeleton
详细解释pneumoconiosisn.肺尘症;英英释义 pneumoconiosis[ 'nju:m,kuni'usis ]n.chronic respiratory disease caused by inhaling meta...
详细解释narcosisn.昏迷状态,麻醉;英英释义 narcosis[ n:'kusis ]n.unconsciousness induced by narcotics or anesthesia
详细解释knee jerkn.膝反射;膝跳;英英释义 knee jerk n.a reflex extension of the leg resulting from a sharp tap on the patellar t...
详细解释hematopoieticadj.造血的,生血的;英英释义 hematopoietic[ ,hemtupi'i:tik ]adj.pertaining to the formation of blood or blo...