共 49 个单词
奥美英语1-5相关的的单词有【baddy】【good morning】【so so】【pencil box】【nice to meet you】【how are you】【bonnie】【suntan lotion】【seesaw】【what time】【living room】【sunglasses】【how much】【rooster】【eighteen】【my】【snowman】【nineteen】【classroom】【thirteen】【snowy】【rainy】【tiger】【quilt】【mango】【eraser】【windy】【remote control】【grandpa】【boots】【hamburger】【student】【sit down】【sofa】【your】【cloudy】【sixteen】【seventy】【grandma】【stand up】等。
good morningint.(上午见面时用语)早安,你(们)好;(上午分别时用语)再会;英英释义 good morning n.a conventional expre...
详细解释so so释义勉强过得去,一般;英英释义 so so adj.being neither good nor bad同义词:indifferentso-so(p)adv.in an acceptable ...
详细解释nice to meet you释义很高兴见到你;英英释义 Nice to Meet You"Nice to Meet You"is a song recorded by American pop punk ban...
详细解释living roomn.客厅,起居室; 变形 复数:living rooms 双语释义n.(名词)[C]起居室;客厅 room in a private house for general u...
详细解释sunglassesn.太阳镜;黑眼镜;墨镜;英英释义 sunglasses[ 'sn,l:siz, -,l- ]n.spectacles that are darkened or polarized to p...
详细解释roostern.公鸡;[美]狂妄自负的人,好斗者; 变形 复数:roosters 英英释义 rooster[ 'ru:st ]n.adult male chicken同义词:cock
详细解释eighteennum.十八;十八个;n.十八岁;十八的记号;十九世纪;是八点钟 变形 复数:eighteens 英英释义 eighteen[ 'ei'ti:n ]n.t...
详细解释myadj.我的(I的所有格形式);int.啊呀;天啊; 双语释义pron.(代词)(I的所有格)我的 (possessive form of I) of or belonging to...
详细解释snowmann.雪人; 变形 复数:snowmen 英英释义 snowman[ 'snumn ]n.a figure of a person made of packed snow
详细解释nineteennum.十九;十九个;第十九;n.十九岁;十九点钟; 变形 复数:nineteens 英英释义 nineteen[ ,nain'ti:n ]n.the cardina...
详细解释classroomn.教室,课堂;教学活动,教学方法; 变形 复数:classrooms 双语释义n.(名词)[C]教室,课堂 a room in a school, colle...
详细解释thirteenn.十三;十三岁;十三个;num.十三;adj.十三的,十三个的; 变形 复数:thirteens 英英释义 thirteen[ ':'ti:n ]n.the ...
详细解释snowyadj.下雪的;被雪覆盖的;雪白的,洁白无瑕的;多雪的英英释义 snowy[ 'snui ]adj.marked by the presence of snow同义词:...
详细解释rainyadj.下雨的,多雨的; 双语释义adj.(形容词)下雨的,多雨的 characterized by continuous rain or many outbreaks of rain 英...
详细解释mangon.芒果;芒果树;泡菜; 变形 复数:mangosmangoes 英英释义 mango[ 'mu ]n.large evergreen tropical tree cultivated for...
详细解释windyadj.有风的;腹胀的;吹牛的;空谈的英英释义 windy[ 'windi ]adj.abounding in or exposed to the wind or breezes"a wind...
详细解释remote controln.遥控,远程控制;遥控装置; 变形 复数:remote controls 英英释义 remote control n.a device that can be use...
详细解释grandpan.爷爷,外公,老太爷; 变形 复数:grandpas 英英释义 grandpa[ 'rndp: ]n.the father of your father or mother同义词:...
详细解释hamburgern.汉堡包;碎牛肉;牛肉饼; 变形 复数:hamburgers 双语释义n.(名词)[C]汉堡包 minced meat that has been formed int...
详细解释sit down释义坐下;英英释义 sit down n.a strike in which workers refuse to leave the workplace until a settlement is reac...
详细解释sofan.沙发; 变形 复数:sofas 双语释义n.(名词)[C] (长)沙发 a long soft seat for more than one person 英英释义 sofa[ 'suf...
详细解释seventyn.七十;从七十到七十九的数目、年数或温度; 变形 复数:seventies 英英释义 seventy[ 'sevnti ]n.the cardinal number ...
详细解释grandman.奶奶,外婆;na.奶奶,外婆; 变形 复数:grandmas 英英释义 grandma[ 'rndm: ]n.the mother of your father or mother...