共 44 个单词
大学英语-综合教程-二相关的的单词有【shear off】【side-on】【gearshift】【en suite】【rollaway】【four-wheel】【king-sized】【kota kinabalu】【side-view mirror】【SUV】【Bolivia】【burn off】【pre-recorded】【mcdonald's】【docent】【woodblock】【decaffeinated】【beautification】【spyware】【sistine】【queen-size】【inside out】【brocoli】【computer virus】【plastic surgeon】【undercharge】【junk mail】【skincare】【horror film】【backstreet】【double standard】【subject matter】【oversleep】【in tow】【dietetics】【air-conditioned】【Donald Duck】【Mickey Mouse】【General Motors】【buenos aires】等。
gearshiftn.变速排档; 变形 复数:gearshifts 英英释义 gearshift[ 'i,ift ]n.a mechanical device for engaging and disengagi...
详细解释four-wheeladj.四轮的;英英释义 four-wheel[ 'f:'wi:l ]adj.of or relating to vehicles with four wheels"a four-wheel drive"...
详细解释SUVn.多功能运动车;英英释义 SUVn.a high-performance four-wheel drive car built on a truck chassis同义词:sport utilitysp...
详细解释Bolivian.玻利维亚(南美洲西部国家);英英释义 Bolivia[ b'livi ]n.a landlocked republic in central South America; Simon B...
详细解释burn off释义烧掉,蒸发;英英释义 burn off v.use up (energy)同义词:burnburn upclear land of its vegetation by burning it...
详细解释pre-recordedadj.(指磁带)已录影的,已录音的;英英释义 pre-recorded[ ,pri:ri'k:did ]adj.recorded at one time for transmi...
详细解释mcdonald's释义麦克唐纳快餐馆(又译麦当劳);英英释义 McDonald'sThe McDonald's Corporation () is the world's largest chain ...
详细解释decaffeinatedadj.脱去咖啡因的;英英释义 decaffeinate[ di'kfineitid ]v.remove caffeine from (coffee)
详细解释beautificationn.美化;英英释义 beautification[ ,bju:tifi'kein ]n.the act of making something more beautiful
详细解释spywaren.间谍软件(能秘密记录用户网站浏览信息的计算机软件);英英释义 spyware[ 'spaiw ]n.computer software that obtains ...
详细解释queen-sizeadj.大号的;英英释义 queen-size[ 'kwi:nsaiz ]adj.(used especially of beds) not as large as king-size"a queen-s...
详细解释inside outadv.彻底地,里面翻到外面;英英释义 inside out adj.with the inside surface on the outside同义词:wrong-side-out...
详细解释computer virusn.计算机病毒;英英释义 computer virus n.a software program capable of reproducing itself and usually capab...
详细解释plastic surgeonn.整形外科医生; 变形 复数:plastic surgeons 英英释义 plastic surgeon n.a surgeon who beautifies the body...
详细解释junk mailn.邮寄宣传品;英英释义 junk mail n.third-class mail consisting of advertising and often addressed to `resident'...
详细解释backstreetn.偏僻街道,小巷;adj.偷偷摸摸的;幕后的;秘密的;非法的英英释义 BackstreetBackstreet is a 1982 album by David...
详细解释double standardn.双重标准,不同标准(尤指性道德上男宽女严的标准); 变形 复数:double standards 英英释义 double standard...
详细解释subject mattern.主题,论题;创作的题材,素材;英英释义 subject matter n.what a communication that is about something is ...
详细解释oversleepvi.睡得太久,睡过头; 变形 过去式:overslept过去分词:overslept现在分词:oversleeping第三人称单数:oversleeps 英...
详细解释dieteticsn.饮食学,膳食学,营养学;英英释义 dietetics[ dai'tetiks ]n.the scientific study of food preparation and intake
详细解释air-conditionedadj.装有空气调节设备的;用空气调节器调节空气的;v.给…装上空调,用空调调节(空气)( air-condition的过去式...
详细解释Donald Duck释义唐老鸭;英英释义 Donald Duck n.a fictional duck created in animated film strips by Walt Disney
详细解释Mickey Mousen.米老鼠,[美俚]任何多余或无关重要的东西;英英释义 Mickey Mouse n.a fictional mouse created in animated film...
详细解释buenos aires释义布宜诺斯艾利斯(阿根廷首都);英英释义 buenos aires n.capital and largest city of Argentina; located in ...