共 80 个单词
复仇-第一季Revenge-Season-1相关的的单词有【shack up】【cash out】【chalk up】【chancellorship】【clambake】【tarnation】【combe】【antipsychotic】【enabler】【bod】【blowing up】【weight down】【countermove】【triplex】【monumentally】【curveball】【bump up】【grifter】【juvie】【lighten up】【overqualified】【utility pole】【pinot】【wanker】【jillion】【bottom up】【live up】【submariner】【hangdog】【overstay】【self-righteousness】【outmatch】【shuffleboard】【sequestered】【philandering】【brownout】【succubus】【illogic】【temptress】【defund】等。
shack upv.同居,同住;英英释义 shack up v.room or live together; usually said of people who are not married and live tog...
详细解释cash out释义[财]现金不足;[计]现金支出;英英释义 cash out v.choose a simpler life style after questioning personal and c...
详细解释chalk up释义记下;记录;得到;归因于英英释义 chalk up v.accumulate as a debt同义词:run upkeep score, as in games同义词:...
详细解释chancellorshipn.长官的职位或任期;英英释义 chancellorship[ 'ta:nslip ]n.the office of chancellor
详细解释clambaken.室外宴会;(尤指)海滨野餐;烧蛤;熙熙攘攘的社交集会英英释义 clambake[ 'klmbeik ]n.a cookout at the seashore w...
详细解释tarnationn.诅咒,咒骂;adj.讨厌的;英英释义 TarnationTarnation is an alt-country band, formed by Paula Frazer in late 19...
详细解释comben.(三面皆山的)深陷的深谷,狭谷;英英释义 CombeCombe is a surname. Notable people with the surname include:以上来源...
详细解释antipsychoticadj.抑制精神的,抗精神活动的,抗精神病的;n.安定药,精神抑制药;英英释义 antipsychotic[ ,ntisai'ktik ]n.tra...
详细解释enabler释义[医]教唆者; 双语释义v.(动词)vt. 使能够 make able to do sth by giving sb the necessary authority or means
详细解释bodn.人; 变形 复数:bods 英英释义 bodn.alternative names for the body of a human being"Leonardo studied the human body"...
详细解释weight down释义给…加负担,使负重;英英释义 weight down v.weight down with a load同义词:burdenburthenweight
详细解释countermoven.反向运动,对抗手段;英英释义 countermove[ 'kaunt,mu:v ]n.an attack by a defending force against an attackin...
详细解释triplexadj.三重的;英英释义 triplex[ 'tripleks, 'trai- ]adj.having three units or components or elements"triplex windows...
详细解释curveball曲线球 英英释义 CurveballA curveball is a type of pitch used in the sport of baseball.以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释griftern.骗子;英英释义 grifter[ 'rift ]n.a person who swindles you by means of deception or fraud同义词:swindlerdefrau...
详细解释lighten up释义别那么严肃;别抱怨;别担忧;使生动活泼英英释义 lighten up v.make more cheerful同义词:lightenbuoy upbecome...
详细解释overqualifiedadj.资历过高的;英英释义 OverqualifiedOverqualified is an art project by Canadian writer Joey Comeau in whi...
详细解释utility pole释义多用电杆;英英释义 Utility poleUtility pole supporting wires for electrical power distribution, [[coaxia...
详细解释pinotn.加州葡萄;英英释义 pinot[ 'pi:nu, pi'nu ]n.any of several purple or white wine grapes used especially for burgund...
详细解释wankern.手淫者,卑鄙的人; 变形 复数:wankers 英英释义 wanker[ 'wk ]n.terms of abuse for a masturbator同义词:tosserjerk...
详细解释jillionn.巨量;adj.很多的,大量的; 变形 复数:jillionjillions 英英释义 jillion[ 'diljn ]n.a very large indefinite numbe...
详细解释bottom up释义颠倒,干杯!;英英释义 bottom up adj.of an approach to a problem that begins with details and works up to t...
详细解释submarinern.潜水艇人员; 变形 复数:submariners 英英释义 submariner[ ,sbm'ri:n, 'sbm,ri:n ]n.a member of the crew of a s...
详细解释hangdogadj.(表情)羞愧的,鬼鬼祟祟的;英英释义 hangdog[ 'hd ]adj.showing a sense of guilt"the hangdog and shamefaced ai...
详细解释self-righteousnessn. 自以为是;伪善 英英释义 Self-righteousnessSelf-righteousness (also called sanctimoniousness, senten...
详细解释outmatchvt.胜过,优于; 变形 过去式:outmatched过去分词:outmatched现在分词:outmatching第三人称单数:outmatches 英英释义...
详细解释shuffleboardn.推圆盘游戏;英英释义 shuffleboard[ 'flb:d ]n.a game in which players use long sticks to shove wooden disks...
详细解释sequesteredadj.扣押的;隐退的;幽静的;偏僻的v.使隔绝,使隔离( sequester的过去式和过去分词 );扣押;英英释义 sequestered...
详细解释philanderingv.调戏,玩弄女性( philander的现在分词 ); 变形 复数:philanderings 英英释义 philander[ fi'lndri ]v.have amor...
详细解释brownoutn.局部暂时限制用电;英英释义 brownoutn.darkness resulting from the extinction of lights (as in a city invisible ...
详细解释succubusn.(传说与睡梦中的男子交媾的)女淫妖;淫妇;娼妇;妓女 变形 复数:succubi 英英释义 succubus[ 'skjubs ]n.a female...
详细解释illogicn.不合逻辑,缺乏逻辑;英英释义 illogic[ i'ldik ]n.invalid or incorrect reasoning同义词:illogicalityillogicalness...
详细解释temptressn.诱惑男人的女性; 变形 复数:temptresses 英英释义 temptress[ 'temtris ]n.a woman who is considered to be dange...