共 224 个单词
sbcabbr.small bomb crater 小的轰炸弹坑;small business computer 小型商用计算机;英英释义 SBCThe Low Complexity Subband C...
详细解释calcificadj.石灰质的,钙化的;英英释义 calcific[ kl'sifik ]adj.involving or resulting from calcification
详细解释sesamoidadj.芝麻籽状的,籽骨的;n.籽骨;英英释义 sesamoid[ 'sesmid ]n.any of several small round bones formed in a tendo...
详细解释cepabbr.circle of equal probability 圆概率;circle of error probability 圆误差概率;英英释义 CepCep () is a village in t...
详细解释pediculusn.虱;英英释义 pediculus[ pi'dikjuls ]n.type genus of Pediculidae: true lice infecting humans同义词:genus Pedi...
详细解释ballottementn.浮球感;英英释义 ballottement[ b'ltmnt ]n.a palpatory technique for feeling a floating object in the body ...
详细解释phlebothrombosisn.静脉血栓;英英释义 phlebothrombosis[ ,fleburm'busis ]n.thrombosis of a vein without prior inflammation...
详细解释agenesisn.发育不全;无生殖力;英英释义 agenesis[ ei'denisis, ,eid'ni:i ]n.imperfect development; nondevelopment of a par...
详细解释somiten.体节;英英释义 somite[ 'sumait ]n.one of a series of similar body segments into which some animals are divided l...
详细解释radiolucentadj.射线可透的,射线透明的;英英释义 radiolucent[ ,reidiu'lju:snt ]adj.almost complete transparent to X-rays ...
详细解释clubbedadj.棒状的;英英释义 club[ 'klbd ]n.a team of professional baseball players who play and travel together"each clu...
详细解释spinousadj.多刺的,刺状的,难弄的;英英释义 spinous[ 'spains ]adj.having spines"the dorsal fin is spinous"同义词:spinys...
详细解释podiatryn.足部医疗;英英释义 podiatry[ pu'daitri ]n.the branch of medicine concerned with the feet同义词:chiropody
详细解释diarthrosisn.动关节;可动关节;英英释义 diarthrosis[ ,dai:'rusis ]n.a joint so articulated as to move freely同义词:syno...
详细解释MEPabbr.平均有效压力(mean effective pressure);修正的表达模式(modified expression patterns);工程实践手册(Manuals of Eng...
详细解释ankylosisn.胶着,关节强直,僵硬; 变形 复数:ankyloses 英英释义 ankylosis[ ,ki'lusis ]n.abnormal adhesion and rigidity o...
详细解释mineralizationn.矿化,使含矿物;英英释义 MineralizationIn geology, mineralization is the hydrothermal deposition of econ...
详细解释occiputn.后头部,枕骨部; 变形 复数:occiputs 英英释义 occiput[ 'ksipt, -pt ]n.back part of the head or skull
详细解释enarthrosisn.杵臼关节;英英释义 enarthrosisn.a freely moving joint in which a sphere on the head of one bone fits into a...
详细解释retinaculumn.支持带;韧带;翅缰钩;着粉腺 变形 复数:retinacula 英英释义 RetinaculumNot a part of any muscle, it is a ba...
详细解释arteriovenousadj.动静脉的,连接动静脉的;英英释义 arteriovenous[ :,tiriu'vi:ns ]adj.connecting an artery to a vein"an ar...