共 94 个单词
seismographn.地震仪,测震仪; 变形 复数:seismographs 英英释义 seismograph[ 'saizmr:f, 'sais-, -,rf ]n.a measuring instr...
详细解释leewardadj.& adv.背风的(地),下风的(地);n.下风;英英释义 leeward[ 'li:wd, 'lu:d ]n.the direction in which the wind ...
详细解释linteln.楣,过梁; 变形 复数:lintels 英英释义 lintel[ 'lintl ]n.horizontal beam used as a finishing piece over a door o...
详细解释prismaticadj.棱镜的;棱形;英英释义 prismatic[ priz'mtik ]adj.of or relating to or resembling or constituting a prism"pr...
详细解释singlyadv.单独地;单身地;单个地;单枪匹马地英英释义 singly[ 'sili ]adv.one by one; one at a time"they were arranged sin...
详细解释polygonaladj.多角形的,多边形的;英英释义 polygonal[ p'linl ]adj.having many sides or relating to a surface marked by po...
详细解释perforatedv.穿孔于,在…上打眼( perforate的过去式和过去分词 );(在纸张等上)打齿孔[孔眼线];英英释义 perforated[ 'p:fre...
详细解释circumferentialadj.圆周的;英英释义 circumferential[ s,kmf'renl ]n.a road that takes traffic around the edge of a town同...
详细解释concavityn.凹面,成凹形; 变形 复数:concavities 英英释义 concavity[ kn'kviti ]n.a shape that curves or bends inward同义...
详细解释spacingn.间隔,间距;跨距;疏密;留间隔英英释义 spacing[ 'speisi ]n.the time between occurrences of a repeating event"so...
详细解释admixturen.混合;掺和;混合物;附加剂英英释义 admixture[ d'mikst ]n.the state of impairing the quality or reducing the v...
详细解释hyperbolicadj.双曲线的,双曲线函数的;夸张的;英英释义 hyperbolic[ ,haip'blik ]adj.enlarged beyond truth or reasonablene...
详细解释erectorn.建设者,安装工; 变形 复数:erectors 英英释义 ErectorErector is a fictional character in the Transformers serie...
详细解释carpentryn.木工手艺,木匠业;英英释义 carpentry[ 'k:pntri ]n.the craft of a carpenter: making things out of wood同义词:...
详细解释intumescentadj.膨胀的,肿大的;英英释义 intumescent[ ,intju:'mesnt ]adj.abnormally distended especially by fluids or gas...
详细解释decouplev.减弱(核爆炸)震波; 变形 过去式:decoupled过去分词:decoupled现在分词:decoupling第三人称单数:decouples 英英...
详细解释interpolationn.窜改;添写,插补; 变形 复数:interpolations 英英释义 interpolationn.a message (spoken or written) that i...
详细解释modaln.情态动词;adj.形式的;情态的;模式的;语气的 变形 复数:modals 英英释义 modal[ 'mudl ]n.an auxiliary verb (such a...
详细解释polythenen.[化]聚乙烯;=polyethylene;英英释义 polythene[ 'pli,i:n ]n.a lightweight thermoplastic; used especially in pa...
详细解释superpositionn.重叠,重合,叠合;叠加;叠置;叠覆英英释义 superposition[ ,sju:pp'zin ]n.(geology) the deposition of one ...
详细解释scalaradj.梯状的;分等级的;数量的;标量的n.数量,标量;英英释义 scalar[ 'skeil, -l: ]n.a variable quantity that cannot ...
详细解释determinateadj.限定的,确定的;英英释义 determinate[ di't:mint ]adj.precisely determined or limited or defined; especial...
详细解释dampingn.阻尼,减幅,衰减;v.使潮湿( damp的现在分词 );减弱;抑制;使沮丧英英释义 damp[ 'dmpi ]n.a slight wetness同义词:...
详细解释hydrostaticadj.静水力学的,流体静力学的;英英释义 hydrostatic[ ,haidru'sttik ]adj.relating to fluids at rest or to the p...
详细解释modulusn.系数,模数; 变形 复数:moduli 英英释义 modulus[ 'mdjuls, -du- ]n.an integer that can be divided without remain...
详细解释centroidn.质心;矩心;面心;英英释义 centroid[ 'sentrid ]n.the center of mass of an object of uniform density
详细解释feelern.(昆虫的)触须,对他人观点或反应的试探; 变形 复数:feelers 英英释义 feeler[ 'fi:l ]n.one of a pair of mobile ap...
详细解释gyrationn.旋转,回旋;回转;英英释义 gyration[ ,dai'rein ]n.a single complete turn (axial or orbital)同义词:rotationrev...
详细解释symmetricadj.相称性的,均衡的;英英释义 symmetric[ si'metrik ]adj.having similarity in size, shape, and relative positio...
详细解释porosityn.多孔性,有孔性; 变形 复数:porosities 英英释义 porosity[ p:'rsiti, pu- ]n.the property of being porous; being...
详细解释subcontractvt.(将大工程)转包,分包;制定[履行]转包;n.转包契约; 变形 复数:subcontracts过去式:subcontracted过去分词:...
详细解释isotropicadj.等方性的;迷向;英英释义 isotropic[ ,aisu'trpik ]adj.invariant with respect to direction同义词:isotropous