共 94 个单词
catenaryn.& adj.悬链线(的); 变形 复数:catenaries 英英释义 catenary[ k'ti:nri ]n.the curve theoretically assumed by a...
详细解释platenn.压盘,滚筒;压纸卷筒;台板;压板英英释义 platen[ 'pltn ]n.work table of a machine toolthe flat plate of a printi...
详细解释finenessn.精致;纤细;细微;优雅英英释义 fineness[ 'fainnis ]n.the quality of being very good indeed"the inn is distingu...
详细解释indeterminacyn.不确定,不明确;英英释义 indeterminacy[ ,indi't:minsi ]n.the quality of being vague and poorly defined同义...
详细解释geodesicadj.测地学的,测地线的,测量的;n.测地线;英英释义 geodesic[ ,di(:)u'desik ]n.(mathematics) the shortest line ...
详细解释neckingn.柱头,圆柱颈部的花边装饰,搂脖子亲嘴;细颈现象;颈缩;英英释义 necking[ 'neki ]n.the molding at the top of a co...
详细解释lippedadj.有嘴的,长着嘴唇的;英英释义 lipped[ lipt ]adj.having a lip or lips"a lipped bowl"; "a virgin purest lipped"
详细解释axiallyadv.向轴的方向;英英释义 axially[ 'ksili ]adv.with respect to an axis"the jet was directed axially toward the cat...
详细解释spandreln.拱肩;拱脊;英英释义 spandrel[ /'spndrl/ ]n.an approximately triangular surface area between two adjacent arch...
详细解释seismologicaladj.地震学上的;英英释义 seismological[ ,saizm'ldikl ]adj.of or concerned with seismology同义词:seismologi...
详细解释sheathingn.覆盖物,罩子;v.将(刀、剑等)插入鞘( sheathe的现在分词 );包,覆盖;英英释义 sheathing[ 'i:i ]n.protective c...
详细解释verticalityn.垂直性,垂直状态;垂直度;英英释义 verticality[ ,v:ti'kliti ]n.position at right angles to the horizon同义词...
详细解释viscoelasticadj.黏弹性的;英英释义 viscoelastic[ ,viskui'lstik ]adj.having viscous as well as elastic properties
详细解释subgraden.地基,路基;软地基;英英释义 SubgradeLayers in the construction of a mortarless pavement: A.) Subgrade B.以上来...
详细解释seismologistn.地震学家,地震专家; 变形 复数:seismologists 英英释义 seismologist[ saiz'mldist, sais- ]n.a geophysicist ...
详细解释biaxialadj.二轴的;英英释义 biaxial[ bai'ksil,-'ksl ]adj.having two axes"biaxial crystals"同义词:biaxalbiaxate
详细解释gussetn.衣袖,甲胄;v.接以三角片;英英释义 gusset[ 'sit ]n.a piece of chain mail covering a place unprotected by armor p...
详细解释estimatorn.评价者,评估特有者;估测者;英英释义 estimator[ 'estimeit ]n.an expert at calculation (or at operating calcul...
详细解释stiffenern.使僵硬的人(或物);扶强材;英英释义 stiffener[ 'stifn ]n.material used for stiffening something
详细解释paraboloidn.抛物面;英英释义 paraboloid[ p'rblid ]n.a surface having parabolic sections parallel to a single coordinate ...
详细解释silicaten.硅酸盐; 变形 复数:silicates 英英释义 silicate[ 'silikit, -keit ]n.a salt or ester derived from silicic acid
详细解释purlinn.檩桁条;梁;檩条;英英释义 PurlinIn architecture, structural engineering or building, a purlin (or historically ...
详细解释serviceabilityn.有用性,适用性;可维护性;英英释义 serviceability[ ,s:vis'biliti ]n.the quality of being able to provide...
详细解释claddingn.覆层;v.穿衣的( clad的现在分词 );覆盖的;英英释义 cladding[ 'kldi ]n.a protective covering that protects the ...
详细解释sinusoidaladj.正弦曲线,窦状小管,窦状隙;英英释义 sinusoidal[ ,sin'sidl ]adj.having a succession of waves or curves
详细解释parabolicadj.比喻的,寓言似的;抛物线的;英英释义 parabolic[ ,pr'blik ]adj.resembling or expressed by parables同义词:pa...
详细解释planaradj.平面的,平坦的;英英释义 planar[ 'plein, -h: ]adj.involving two dimensions同义词:two-dimensional
详细解释eigenvaluen.特征值;英英释义 eigenvalue[ 'ain,vlju: ]n.(mathematics) any number such that a given square matrix minus th...
详细解释vanadiumn.钒,铅矿;英英释义 vanadium[ v'neidim ]n.a soft silvery white toxic metallic element used in steel alloys; it ...