共 129 个单词
商务英语难词相关的的单词有【call box】【capri】【cashpoint】【penny-wise】【personal contact】【claw back】【Photo processing】【co-exist】【fact-finding】【haematology】【media coverage】【conceptualise】【computer literate】【in house】【relay station】【file system】【retail chain】【price concession】【well established】【well informed】【well paid】【insect repellent】【internet explorer】【variety store】【videoconferencing】【road show】【franchise agreement】【from the top down】【liven up】【ground rules】【host country】【know how】【confectionary】【de rigueur】【value added】【eldercare】【go through the roof】【Caplet】【pizza hut】【rough draft】等。
call boxn.公共电话亭,公共电话间; 变形 复数:call boxes 英英释义 call box n.booth for using a telephone同义词:telephon...
详细解释capriabbr.computerized advance personnel requirements and inventory 计算机化促进个人需求和存货;英英释义 capri[ k'pri: ]...
详细解释penny-wiseadj.省小钱的,惜分文的;英英释义 penny-wise[ 'peni'waiz ]adj.thrifty in small matters only
详细解释claw backn.弥补性收入;英英释义 claw back n.finding a way to take money back from people that they were given in another...
详细解释co-existvi.共存;英英释义 co-existv.coexist peacefully, as of nations同义词:coexistexist together同义词:coexist
详细解释fact-findingadj.调查实情的;n.实情调查;调解;英英释义 fact-finding[ 'fkt,faindi ]adj.designed to find information or as...
详细解释haematologyn.血液学,血液病学;英英释义 haematology[ ,hi:m'tldi, ,hem- ]n.the branch of medicine that deals with disease...
详细解释conceptualisev.使有概念;英英释义 conceptualise[ kn'septjulaiz ]v.have the idea for同义词:gestateconceiveconceptualize
详细解释relay station释义中继站;英英释义 relay station n.an amplifier for restoring the strength of a transmitted signal同义词:...
详细解释file systemn.文件系统;英英释义 file system n.a system of classifying into files (usually arranged alphabetically)同义词...
详细解释well informed释义[法] 消息灵通的,博识的,得有确实消息的;英英释义 well informed adj.possessing sound knowledge同义词:i...
详细解释insect repellentn.杀虫剂;英英释义 insect repellent n.a chemical substance that repels insects同义词:insectifugeinsect ...
详细解释internet explorer释义IE浏览器(微软公司出品的WEB浏览器);英英释义 internet explorer n.a commercial browser同义词:Explo...
详细解释variety storen.杂货铺;英英释义 Variety storeA variety store is a retail store that sells a wide range of inexpensive ho...
详细解释videoconferencingn.(通过)电视(举行)会议;英英释义 VideoconferencingVideoconferencing is the conduct of a videoconfer...
详细解释franchise agreement释义[贸易] 特许代理协定;英英释义 Franchise agreementA Franchise Agreement is a legal, binding contra...
详细解释liven up释义使…活跃(或活泼)起来;使有生气;英英释义 liven up v.make lively同义词:enlivenliveninvigorateanimate
详细解释ground rulesn.程序,体育场馆的运动章程( ground rule的名词复数 );基本规则;英英释义 ground rule n.(baseball) a special r...
详细解释know how释义懂得如何做;能;专门知识;技术诀窍英英释义 know how n.the (technical) knowledge and skill required to do som...
详细解释confectionaryadj.像糖果的,糖果商的;n.糖食,糖果店; 变形 复数:confectionaries 英英释义 confectionary[ kn'feknri ]n.a ...
详细解释de rigueuradj.社交礼节上需要的;英英释义 de rigueur [ dri'g: ]adj.required by etiquette or usage or fashion
详细解释rough draft释义草图;草稿;英英释义 Rough DraftWritten in 2005, Moscow, Rough Draft by Sergey Lukyanenko is a fantasy no...