共 130 个单词
商业沟通职涯英文相关的的单词有【be engaged in】【be inferior to】【ground crew】【by oneself】【shopping mall】【transfuse】【make do with】【air current】【bring together】【job shop】【repair person】【loan shark】【kitchenware】【fire alarm】【taxicab】【intensive care unit】【self-explanatory】【garbage disposal】【organ donor】【farfetched】【sulfuric acid】【on and off】【get-together】【be eligible for】【dispassion】【shuttle bus】【money order】【long term】【search engine】【peak season】【fall to】【take risks】【fend for oneself】【subscribe to】【accustomed to】【collective bargaining】【supposed to】【typographical】【jot down】【endorser】等。
ground crewn.地勤人员; 变形 复数:ground crews 英英释义 ground crew n.the crew of technicians and mechanics who service...
详细解释shopping malln.大型购物中心; 变形 复数:shopping malls 英英释义 shopping mall n.mercantile establishment consisting of ...
详细解释air currentn.气流;英英释义 air current n.air moving (sometimes with considerable force) from an area of high pressure t...
详细解释bring together释义使相合[连接];使相识;使坐在一起;使会面英英释义 bring together v.cause to become joined or linked同义...
详细解释job shop释义加工车间;英英释义 Job shopJob shops are typically small manufacturing systems that handle job production, t...
详细解释loan sharkn.放高利贷者; 变形 复数:loan sharks 英英释义 loan shark n.someone who lends money at excessive rates of inte...
详细解释kitchenwaren.厨房用具;饮具;炊具;英英释义 kitchenware[ 'kitinw ]n.hardware utensils for use in a kitchen
详细解释fire alarmn.火警,报火机,警钟; 变形 复数:fire alarms 英英释义 fire alarm n.a shout or bell to warn that fire has brok...
详细解释taxicabn.出租车; 变形 复数:taxicabs 英英释义 taxicab[ 'tksikb ]n.a car driven by a person whose job is to take passeng...
详细解释intensive care unitn.加护病房;英英释义 intensive care unit n.a hospital unit staffed and equipped to provide intensive ...
详细解释self-explanatoryadj.不解自明的,明显的;自解释;英英释义 self-explanatory[ 'selfiks'plntri ]adj.needing no explanation
详细解释garbage disposal释义垃圾处置; 变形 复数:garbage disposals 英英释义 garbage disposal n.a kitchen appliance for disposin...
详细解释organ donor释义[医]器官供者;英英释义 organ donor n.someone from whom an organ is taken for transplantation
详细解释farfetchedadj.牵强的;凿空;英英释义 farfetched[ 'fa:'fett ]adj.highly imaginative but unlikely"a farfetched excuse"同义...
详细解释sulfuric acidn.硫磺酸;英英释义 sulfuric acid n.(H2SO4) a highly corrosive acid made from sulfur dioxide; widely used in...
详细解释get-togethern.聚会,联欢会; 变形 复数:get-togethers 英英释义 get-together[ 'gett,ge(r) ]n.a small informal social gath...
详细解释dispassionn.冷静,公平;英英释义 dispassion[ dis'pn ]n.objectivity and detachment"her manner assumed a dispassion and dr...
详细解释shuttle busn.豪华轿车;通常称为“摆渡车”,指只在较短距离之间往返的交通车。;英英释义 shuttle bus n.shuttle consisting o...
详细解释money ordern.汇票,邮政汇票; 变形 复数:money orders 英英释义 money order n.a written order for the payment of a sum to...
详细解释long term释义长期的;英英释义 long term adj.relating to or extending over a relatively long time同义词:long-runlong-ter...
详细解释search engine释义(互联网上的)搜寻引擎; 变形 复数:search engines 英英释义 search engine n.a computer program that ret...
详细解释peak season释义旺季;英英释义 peak season n.the season when travel is most active and rates are highest同义词:high seas...
详细解释subscribe tov.预订,同意,订阅;英英释义 subscribe to v.receive or obtain by regular payment同义词:subscribetake
详细解释collective bargaining释义劳资双方就工资等问题谈判;英英释义 collective bargaining n.negotiation between an employer and ...
详细解释typographicaladj.印刷上的,排字上的;英英释义 typographical[ 'taip'grfikl ]adj.relating to or occurring or used in typog...
详细解释jot downn.草草记下;匆匆记下;英英释义 jot down v.write briefly or hurriedly; write a short note of同义词:jot