共 130 个单词
商业沟通职涯英文相关的的单词有【stockroom】【be ready for】【milk shake】【open to】【tie-in】【curtain call】【vitae】【enervated】【lock into】【round-trip】【fundraiser】【countersign】【en route】【in-tray】【fringe benefit】【lead time】【insider trading】【neon sign】【bull market】【basket case】【bear market】【in the red】【orientated】【aware of】【on track】【in depth】【on hand】【logotype】【adjacent to】【be superior to】【thoroughness】【obligated】【time consuming】【conduce】【hors d'oeuvre】【leading-edge】【gross earnings】【proofreader】【keynote address】【fit into】等。
stockroomn.仓库,储藏室; 变形 复数:stockrooms 英英释义 stockroom[ 'stkru:m, -rum ]n.storeroom for storing goods and su...
详细解释milk shaken.奶昔(即泡沫牛奶,将牛奶和冰激凌等混合后搅打至起泡的饮料);英英释义 milk shake n.frothy drink of milk and f...
详细解释tie-inadj.搭卖的;n.搭配销售的商品;捆绑(销售);有关联(的事物);英英释义 tie-in[ 'taiin ]n.a fastener that serves to...
详细解释curtain calln.谢幕,要求演员谢幕的掌声和呼声; 变形 复数:curtain calls 英英释义 curtain call n.an appearance by actors ...
详细解释enervatedadj.衰弱的,无力的;v.使衰弱,使失去活力( enervate的过去式和过去分词 );英英释义 enervated[ 'en:veitid ]adj.lac...
详细解释round-tripadj.来回旅程的;英英释义 round-trip[ 'raund'trip ]n.a trip to some place and back again同义词:round trip
详细解释fundraisern.资金筹集活动;筹款人; 变形 复数:fundraisers 英英释义 fundraiser[ 'fnd,reiz ]n.someone who solicits financi...
详细解释countersignvt.连署,副署,会签 (文件); 变形 过去式:countersigned过去分词:countersigned现在分词:countersigning第三人...
详细解释in-trayn.(办公室使用的)公文格,收文篮;英英释义 in-tray[ 'intrei ]n.a wood or metal receptacle placed on your desk to ...
详细解释fringe benefitn.额外福利; 变形 复数:fringe benefits 英英释义 fringe benefit n.an incidental benefit awarded for certai...
详细解释lead timen.订货至交货的时间; 变形 复数:lead times 英英释义 lead time [ li:d ]n.the time interval between the initiatio...
详细解释insider trading释义内幕交易;内部人员的交易;英英释义 insider trading n.buying or selling corporate stock by a corporate...
详细解释bull market释义行情看涨的市场,股市中的牛市; 变形 复数:bull markets 英英释义 bull market n.a market characterized by r...
详细解释basket casen.(因战争或灾难而造成)四肢不全的人,完全没有希望的人; 变形 复数:basket cases 英英释义 Basket CaseBasket C...
详细解释bear marketn.空头市场; 变形 复数:bear markets 英英释义 bear market n.a market characterized by falling prices for secu...
详细解释in the red释义负债;英英释义 In the RedIn The Red is an EP by A Global Threat. It was released in 2000 on Rodent Popsicl...
详细解释orientatedv.朝向( orientate的过去式和过去分词 );面向;确定方向;使适应英英释义 orientatedadj.adjusted or located in rel...
详细解释on hand释义在手边,在附近,在场;现;手头;英英释义 on hand adj.readily availablepresent (especially for some purpose)
详细解释logotypen.成语铅字,连合活字;连铸铅字条;洛格铅字合金;英英释义 logotype[ 'lutaip, 'l:- ]n.a company emblem or device同...
详细解释thoroughnessn.完全,十分;英英释义 thoroughness[ 'rnis, ':ru- ]n.conscientiousness in performing all aspects of a task
详细解释time consumingadj.耗费时间的,旷日持久的;英英释义 time consuming adj.of a task that takes time and patience同义词:time...
详细解释hors d'oeuvren.(正餐前的)开胃食品; 变形 复数:hors d'oeuvres 英英释义 hors d'oeuvre [ :'d:vr ]n.a dish served as an a...
详细解释leading-edgeadj.(技术上)最先进的;英英释义 leading-edge[ 'li:di,ed ]n.forward edge of an airfoil同义词:leading edge
详细解释proofreadern.校对者;英英释义 proofreader[ 'pru:f,ri:d ]n.someone who reads proof in order to find errors and mark corre...
详细解释keynote addressn.政治性集会中的政策演讲;英英释义 keynote address n.a speech setting forth the keynote同义词:keynote sp...