共 130 个单词
商业沟通职涯英文相关的的单词有【sales slip】【selling point】【central government】【ready for】【command economy】【galactic nebula】【ticket office】【potamic】【field research】【heavenly body】【get accustomed to】【counterman】【Branch Office】【qualify for】【out-tray】【overstaff】【jobless rate】【nonflammable】【breeding ground】【graveyard shift】【Automated Teller machine】【volunteerism】【runner up】【mail order】【manufactory】【long range】【merchantable】【purser】【shot down】【profit sharing】【share price】【board meeting】【maintainability】【panel discussion】【vender】【life vest】【pushcart】【spill over】【languishing】【metal detector】等。
selling pointn.(有助于推销的)货品的特点或优点; 变形 复数:selling points 英英释义 selling point n.a characteristic of...
详细解释central governmentn.中央政府;英英释义 Central governmentA central government is the government of a nation-state and is...
详细解释ticket officen.票房,售票处;英英释义 ticket office n.the office where tickets of admission are sold同义词:box officeti...
详细解释field research释义实际教学,现场调查研究;英英释义 Field researchField research or fieldwork is the collection of inform...
详细解释heavenly bodyn.天体; 变形 复数:heavenly bodies 英英释义 heavenly body n.natural objects visible in the sky同义词:cele...
详细解释countermann.拿菜给顾客的服务员; 变形 复数:countermen 英英释义 counterman[ 'kaunt,mn ]n.someone who attends a counter (...
详细解释out-tray释义信筐;英英释义 out-tray[ 'auttrei ]n.a wood or metal receptacle placed on your desk to hold your outgoing ma...
详细解释breeding groundn.滋生地; 变形 复数:breeding grounds 英英释义 breeding ground n.a place where animals breed
详细解释graveyard shiftn.全体夜班的工人,(自午夜或凌晨2时的开始工作)夜班; 变形 复数:graveyard shifts 英英释义 graveyard shif...
详细解释Automated Teller machine释义自动出纳机,自动柜员机;英英释义 Automated Teller machine n.an unattended machine (outside s...
详细解释runner upn.亚军;[体]第二名;英英释义 runner up n.the competitor who finishes second同义词:runner-upsecond best
详细解释manufactoryn.制造厂,工厂; 变形 复数:manufactories 英英释义 manufactory[ ,mnju'fktri ]n.a plant consisting of one or m...
详细解释long range释义长距离的, 远程;长期;英英释义 long range adj.involving an extended span of time同义词:long-rangesuitabl...
详细解释merchantableadj.可买卖的,有销路的;英英释义 merchantable[ 'm:tntbl ]adj.fit to be offered for sale同义词:marketablesel...
详细解释pursern.(轮船、班机等)事务长,(尤指客轮上的)乘务长; 变形 复数:pursers 英英释义 purser[ 'p:s ]n.an officer aboard a...
详细解释shot downv.击落;英英释义 Shot Down"Shot Down"was the first single released by Manchester band Nine Black Alps. It was r...
详细解释profit sharingn.分红制;利润分享;英英释义 profit sharing n.a system in which employees receive a share of the net profi...
详细解释share pricen.股价;股票价格;英英释义 Share priceA share price is the price of a single share of a number of saleable st...
详细解释board meeting释义董事会议;英英释义 board meeting n.a meeting for administrative purposes同义词:committee meeting
详细解释maintainability释义可维护性;英英释义 MaintainabilityIn engineering, maintainability is the ease with which a product ca...
详细解释panel discussionn.小组讨论;合议;英英释义 panel discussion n.discussion of a subject of public interest by a group of p...
详细解释vendern.卖主,售卖者;英英释义 vender[ 'vend ]n.someone who promotes or exchanges goods or services for money同义词:sel...
详细解释life vestn.救生衣;英英释义 life vest n.life preserver consisting of a sleeveless jacket of buoyant or inflatable design...
详细解释pushcartn.手推车; 变形 复数:pushcarts 英英释义 pushcart[ 'puk:t ]n.wheeled vehicle that can be pushed by a person; may...
详细解释spill over释义溢出;英英释义 spill over n.(economics) any indirect effect of public expenditure同义词:spilloverv.overfl...
详细解释metal detector释义金属探测器;英英释义 metal detector n.detector that gives a signal when it detects the presence of met...