共 15 个单词
名词词汇表普通专有可数不可数性相关的的单词有【theses】【the United States of America】【mixed fraction】【citic】【USSR】【whole number】【foci】【rational number】【irrational number】【mixed number】【natural number】【the United Kingdom】【countrywoman】【decimal point】【real number】等。
the United States of America释义美国,美利坚合众国;英英释义 The United States of AmericaThe United States of America wa...
详细解释USSRn.苏联;英英释义 USSR[ ,ju: es es 'a:(r) ]n.a former communist country in eastern Europe and northern Asia; establis...
详细解释whole numbern.整数; 变形 复数:whole numbers 英英释义 whole number n.any of the natural numbers (positive or negative) ...
详细解释rational numbern.有理数;英英释义 rational number n.an integer or a fraction同义词:rational
详细解释irrational numbern.无理数;英英释义 irrational number n.a real number that cannot be expressed as a rational number同义词...
详细解释natural numbern.自然数;英英释义 natural number n.the number 1 and any other number obtained by adding 1 to it repeatedl...
详细解释countrywomann.农妇,村姑; 变形 复数:countrywomen 英英释义 countrywoman[ 'kntri,wumn ]n.a woman who lives in the countr...
详细解释decimal pointn.小数点; 变形 复数:decimal points 英英释义 decimal point n.the dot at the left of a decimal fraction同义...
详细解释real numbern.实数;英英释义 real number [ ril, ri:l ]n.any rational or irrational number同义词:real