共 624 个单词
医护英语4级考试词汇METS4相关的的单词有【sanitarian】【sanatory】【salpingectomy】【scar tissue】【senesce】【cannula】【carditis】【catatonia】【papula】【parasitology】【cell membrane】【central venous pressure】【past history】【aborticide】【skin graft】【chlorophyl】【chondral】【bacteriocin】【acidfast】【macroscopical】【pharyngoscope】【circadian rhythm】【cinerary】【aerobe】【ageusia】【somascope】【somatology】【radicle】【physiatrist】【coagulase】【coccus】【teratogenicity】【tetanic】【spermicide】【delitescence】【mastication】【family history】【false tooth】【Alzheimer's disease】【IC】等。
salpingectomyn.输卵管切除术; 变形 复数:salpingectomies 英英释义 salpingectomy[ ,slpin'dektmi ]n.surgical removal of on...
详细解释scar tissue释义疤痕组织;英英释义 scar tissue n.the connective tissue that forms a scar; consists of fibroblasts in new ...
详细解释senescevi.开始衰老;英英释义 senesce[ si'nes ]v.grow old or older"Young men senesce"同义词:ageget onmaturematurate
详细解释cannulan.套管,插管;英英释义 cannula[ 'knjul ]n.a small flexible tube inserted into a body cavity for draining off flui...
详细解释catatonian.紧张症;英英释义 catatonia[ ,kt'tuni ]n.extreme tonus; muscular rigidity; a common symptom in catatonic schiz...
详细解释papulan.丘疹; 变形 复数:papulae 英英释义 PapulaPapulae (sing. papula), also known as dermal branchiae or skin gills, a...
详细解释parasitologyn.寄生虫学;英英释义 ParasitologyParasitology is the study of parasites, their hosts, and the relationship b...
详细解释cell membrane释义细胞膜;英英释义 cell membrane n.a thin membrane (a double layer of lipids) enclosing the cytoplasm of ...
详细解释central venous pressure释义中心静脉压;英英释义 Central venous pressureCentral venous pressure (CVP) (also known as: rig...
详细解释aborticiden.堕胎,堕胎药;坠胎药;英英释义 aborticide[ 'b:tisaid ]n.a drug (or other chemical agent) that causes abortio...
详细解释skin graftn.皮肤移植术,移植的皮肤;皮移植片;英英释义 skin graft n.a piece of skin taken from a donor area and surgical...
详细解释chlorophyln.叶绿素;英英释义 chlorophyl[ 'klrfil ]n.any of a group of green pigments found in photosynthetic organisms; ...
详细解释macroscopicaladj.肉眼可见的,宏观的;英英释义 macroscopical[ mkru'skpikl ]adj.large enough to be visible to the naked ey...
详细解释circadian rhythm释义昼夜节律;英英释义 circadian rhythm n.a daily cycle of activity observed in many living organisms
详细解释cineraryadj.骨灰的,放灰的;英英释义 cinerary[ 'sinrri ]adj.containing or used for ashes of the cremated dead"a cinerary...
详细解释aeroben.需氧菌;英英释义 aerobe[ 'rub ]n.an organism (especially a bacterium) that requires air or free oxygen for life
详细解释somatologyn.人体学,比较体格学;英英释义 SomatologySomatology is defined as the study or science of the human body as a ...
详细解释radiclen.(神经,血管等的)根;幼根;胚根;基英英释义 radicle[ 'rdikl ]n.(anatomy) a small structure resembling a rootle...
详细解释coccusn.小干果,球菌; 变形 复数:cocci 英英释义 coccus[ 'kks ]n.any spherical or nearly spherical bacteria同义词:cocci
详细解释tetanicadj.破伤风的,僵直的;n.痉挛诱起剂;英英释义 tetanic[ ti'tnik, te-, t- ]adj.of or relating to or causing tetanyof...
详细解释spermiciden.杀精子剂; 变形 复数:spermicides 英英释义 spermicide[ 'sp:misaid ]n.a contraceptive agent that kills sperma...
详细解释masticationn.咀嚼;英英释义 mastication[ ,msti'kein ]n.biting and grinding food in your mouth so it becomes soft enough ...
详细解释family history释义家庭史;家庭历;家史;家族来历;英英释义 family history n.part of a patient's medical history in which...
详细解释Alzheimer's disease释义阿尔察默病,阿尔茨海默氏病;英英释义 Alzheimer's disease [ 'ltshaimz ]n.a progressive form of pre...