共 514 个单词
医学解剖学相关的的单词有【sacral bone】【scalenus】【semilunar】【capitate】【sesamoid】【caudal】【palpebra】【cellule】【cephalic vein】【pecten】【talofibular】【petrous】【malleolar】【ala】【tentorium】【teres minor】【spheroidal】【ramus】【pisiform】【falciform】【falx】【ileal】【thoracic cage】【spinosum】【spinous process】【spinous】【splanchnology】【splenius】【squama】【plica】【pollicis】【lacunar】【lambdoid】【menisci】【mesorectum】【conjoined】【conjoint】【filiform】【laryngopharynx】【ellipsoidal】等。
scalenusn.斜角肌; 变形 复数:scaleni 英英释义 scalenus[ sk'li:ns, skei- ]n.any of four pairs of muscles extending from ...
详细解释semilunaradj.半月形的;英英释义 semilunar[ ,semi'lu:n, ,semai- ]adj.resembling the new moon in shape同义词:crescent(a)c...
详细解释capitateadj.头状花序的;锤形;英英释义 capitate[ 'kpiteit ]n.the wrist bone with a rounded head shape that articulates w...
详细解释sesamoidadj.芝麻籽状的,籽骨的;n.籽骨;英英释义 sesamoid[ 'sesmid ]n.any of several small round bones formed in a tendo...
详细解释caudaladj.尾部的,近尾部的;英英释义 caudal[ 'k:dl ]adj.constituting or relating to a tail"caudal appendage"resembling a...
详细解释palpebran.眼睑;英英释义 palpebra[ 'plpbr ]n.either of two folds of skin that can be moved to cover or open the eye同义词...
详细解释cellulen.小细胞;英英释义 CelluleCellule is a commune in the Puy-de-Dme department in Auvergne in central France.以上来源...
详细解释cephalic vein释义头静脉;英英释义 cephalic vein n.a large vein of the arm that empties into the axillary vein同义词:ven...
详细解释pectenn.(鸟眼的)梳膜;英英释义 PectenPecten is Latin for comb or rake.http://dictionary.以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释petrousadj.岩石的,岩石般的;英英释义 petrous[ 'petrs ]adj.(of bone especially the temporal bone) resembling stone in ha...
详细解释alan.(昆虫的)翼,翅; 变形 复数:alae 英英释义 ala[ 'eil ]n.a flat wing-shaped process or winglike part of an organism...
详细解释tentoriumn.(骨)幕;幕骨;英英释义 tentorium[ ten'tri:m ]n.(anatomy) a fold of dura mater that covers the cerebellum an...
详细解释teres minor释义小圆肌;英英释义 teres minor n.teres muscle that adducts the arm and rotates it laterally同义词:teres mi...
详细解释spheroidaladj.类似球体的;英英释义 spheroidal[ sfi'ridl ]adj.in the form of an ellipse同义词:ellipsoidellipsoidalnon-ci...
详细解释ramusn.分支,支;羽支;英英释义 ramus[ 'reims ]n.the posterior part of the mandible that is more or less vertical
详细解释pisiformadj.豌豆状的;英英释义 pisiform[ 'paisif:m ]n.a small wrist bone that articulates only with the triquetral同义词...
详细解释falciformadj.镰刀状的;英英释义 falciform[ 'flsif:m ]adj.curved like a sickle同义词:falcatesickle-shaped
详细解释falx释义镰形能育丝;孢梗;英英释义 FalxFalx is a Latin word originally meaning sickle, but was later used to mean any of...
详细解释spinous process释义棘突,棘状突起;英英释义 Spinous processThe spinous process of a vertebra is directed backward and do...
详细解释spinousadj.多刺的,刺状的,难弄的;英英释义 spinous[ 'spains ]adj.having spines"the dorsal fin is spinous"同义词:spinys...
详细解释spleniusn.夹肌; 变形 复数:splenii 英英释义 splenius[ 'spli:nis ]n.either of two flat muscles that extend from the uppe...
详细解释squaman.鳞片,鳞,鳞状物; 变形 复数:squamae 英英释义 squama[ 'skweim ]n.a protective structure resembling a scale
详细解释plican.皱襞,纠发病; 变形 复数:plicae 英英释义 plica[ 'plaik ]n.a folded part (as in skin or muscle)同义词:fold
详细解释conjointadj.相连的,结合的;英英释义 conjoint[ 'kndint ]adj.consisting of two or more associated entities"social order a...
详细解释filiformadj.丝状的,纤维状的;线状;英英释义 filiform[ 'filif:m ]adj.thin in diameter; resembling a thread同义词:filame...
详细解释laryngopharynxn.咽喉;喉咽;英英释义 laryngopharynx[ l,riu'friks ]n.the lower part of the pharynx
详细解释ellipsoidaladj.椭圆体的;英英释义 ellipsoidal[ ,elip'sidl ]adj.in the form of an ellipse同义词:ellipsoidspheroidalnon-c...