共 273 个单词
医学英语词汇-联想词根记忆法相关的的单词有【salbutamol】【scar tissue】【schizogony】【scotopic】【scolex】【serological】【parasitosis】【parasitology】【cercarial】【abruption】【adipose tissue】【taenia】【macrocyte】【peroxisome】【baroreceptor】【somatotropin】【decerebrate】【deamination】【decidua】【coagulase】【spermatozoon】【placenta previa】【facial features】【alkalemia】【thoracotomy】【immobilization】【thrombi】【thrombolytic】【hallucinosis】【spirillum】【lactogen】【ectoparasite】【bile pigment】【biocatalyst】【galactorrhea】【anergy】【dictyosome】【methemoglobin】【methicillin】【polyphagia】等。
scar tissue释义疤痕组织;英英释义 scar tissue n.the connective tissue that forms a scar; consists of fibroblasts in new ...
详细解释schizogonyn.分裂生殖;英英释义 schizogony[ ski'zni, skit's- ]n.asexual reproduction by multiple fission; characteristic ...
详细解释serological释义[医]血清学的;英英释义 serological[ siru'ldikl ]adj.of or relating to serology同义词:serologic
详细解释parasitologyn.寄生虫学;英英释义 ParasitologyParasitology is the study of parasites, their hosts, and the relationship b...
详细解释abruptionn.分裂,分离;英英释义 abruption[ 'brpn ]n.an instance of sudden interruption同义词:breaking off
详细解释adipose tissue释义脂肪组织;英英释义 adipose tissue n.a kind of body tissue containing stored fat that serves as a sourc...
详细解释taenian.绑头部的带或绳; 变形 复数:taeniae 英英释义 taenia[ 'ti:ni ]n.a narrow headband or strip of ribbon worn as a he...
详细解释macrocyten.大红细胞;英英释义 macrocyte[ 'mkru,sait ]n.abnormally large red blood cell (associated with pernicious anemi...
详细解释baroreceptorn.压力感受器;英英释义 baroreceptor[ ,brri'sept, 'bru,sept ]n.a sensory receptor that responds to pressure
详细解释somatotropinn.生长激素;英英释义 somatotropin[ ,sumt'trupin, su'm- ]n.a hormone produced by the anterior pituitary gland...
详细解释decerebratevt.去(脑),切除(大脑);英英释义 decerebrate[ di:'seribrt, -breit, di:'seribreit ]v.remove the cerebrum fr...
详细解释deaminationn.去氨基;英英释义 deamination[ di:,mi'nein ]n.removal of the amino radical from an amino acid or other amino...
详细解释spermatozoonn.精子; 变形 复数:spermatozoa 英英释义 spermatozoon[ ,sp:mtu'zun, -n, sp:'m- ]n.the male reproductive cell...
详细解释placenta previa释义前置胎盘;英英释义 placenta previa n.pregnancy in which the placenta is implanted in the lower part o...
详细解释alkalemian.碱血症;英英释义 alkalemia[ ,lk'li:mi ]n.a blood disorder characterized by a lower concentration of hydrogen ...
详细解释thoracotomyn.胸廓切开术; 变形 复数:thoracotomies 英英释义 thoracotomy[ ,:r'ktmi, ,u- ]n.surgical incision into the che...
详细解释immobilizationn.固定,使停止流通;英英释义 immobilization[ i,mubilai'zein, -li'z- ]n.fixation (as by a plaster cast) of ...
详细解释thrombolyticadj.溶解血栓的;n.溶解血栓剂;英英释义 thrombolytic[ ,rmbu'litik ]n.a kind of pharmaceutical that can break ...
详细解释hallucinosisn.幻觉病,幻觉性精神病;英英释义 hallucinosis[ h,lu:si'nusis ]n.a mental state in which the person has conti...
详细解释spirillumn.螺旋菌; 变形 复数:spirilla 英英释义 spirillum[ spai'rilm ]n.spirally twisted elongate rodlike bacteria usua...
详细解释ectoparasiten.皮外寄生物,外寄生虫;英英释义 ectoparasite[ ,ektu'prsait ]n.any external parasitic organism (as fleas)同义...
详细解释biocatalystn.生物催化剂;英英释义 biocatalyst[ ,baiu'ktlist ]n.a biochemical catalyst such as an enzyme
详细解释anergyn.无反应性,无力;英英释义 anergy[ 'ndi ]n.reduction or lack of an immune response to a specific antigeninactivity...
详细解释dictyosomen.(分散)高尔基体,网体;英英释义 dictyosome[ 'diktisum ]n.a netlike structure in the cytoplasm of animal cel...
详细解释methemoglobinn.高铁血红蛋白,正铁血红蛋白;英英释义 MethemoglobinMethemoglobin (British English: methaemoglobin) (pronou...
详细解释methicillinn.甲氧苯青霉素,新青霉素;英英释义 methicillin[ ,me'silin ]n.antibiotic drug of the penicillin family used in...