共 392 个单词
医学英语词汇教程相关的的单词有【cardiopathy】【sesamoid】【causalgia】【pancreatin】【paracentesis】【Parkinson disease】【cerous】【Cesarean section】【sialolith】【sinography】【cheilitis】【acanthoid】【aboral】【abrader】【achalasia】【sitology】【pedicel】【pelvimetry】【chlorosis】【chirospasm】【chromic】【bacteriuria】【adipocyte】【pharyngonasal】【phlebotomy】【adrenolytic】【adoral】【aesthesia】【sonography】【somniloquence】【decalcification】【mammoplasty】【pilose】【piliform】【pili】【clubhand】【tenorrhaphy】【teratosis】【thalamotomy】【thalamocortical】等。
cardiopathyn.心脏病;英英释义 cardiopathy[ ,k:di'pi ]n.a disease of the heart同义词:heart diseaseheart condition
详细解释sesamoidadj.芝麻籽状的,籽骨的;n.籽骨;英英释义 sesamoid[ 'sesmid ]n.any of several small round bones formed in a tendo...
详细解释causalgian.灼性神经痛;灼痛;英英释义 causalgia[ k:'zldi ]n.a burning pain in a limb along the course of a peripheral ne...
详细解释pancreatinn.胰液素;胰酶;英英释义 pancreatin[ 'pnkritin ]n.extract from the pancreas of animals that contains pancreati...
详细解释paracentesisn.(放液)穿刺术;英英释义 paracentesis[ ,prsen'ti:sis ]n.centesis of the belly to remove fluid for diagnosi...
详细解释cerousadj.(正)铈的,三价铈的;英英释义 cerous[ 'sirs ]adj.of or relating to or containing cerium with valence 3
详细解释Cesarean sectionn.剖腹产术;英英释义 Cesarean section n.the delivery of a fetus by surgical incision through the abdomin...
详细解释sialolithn.涎石;英英释义 sialolith[ sai'lli ]n.a stone formed in the salivary gland同义词:salivary calculus
详细解释cheilitisn.唇炎;英英释义 cheilitis[ kai'laitis ]n.inflammation and cracking of the skin of the lips
详细解释acanthoidadj.棘状的,刺状的;针棘状;英英释义 acanthoid[ 'knid ]adj.shaped like a spine or thorn同义词:acanthousspinous
详细解释aboraladj.离口的,对口的;英英释义 aboral[ 'b:rl ]adj.opposite to or away from the mouth"the aboral surface of a starfis...
详细解释abradern.磨石,研磨器;英英释义 abrader[ 'breid ]n.a tool or machine used for wearing down or smoothing or polishing同义...
详细解释pediceln.花梗;肉茎;茎;蒂英英释义 pedicel[ 'pedisl ]n.a small stalk bearing a single flower of an inflorescence; an ul...
详细解释pelvimetryn.骨盆测量;英英释义 pelvimetry[ ,pel'vimitri ]n.measurement of the dimensions of the bony birth canal (to det...
详细解释chlorosisn.萎黄病,变色病;缺绿病;英英释义 chlorosis[ kl'rusis ]n.iron deficiency anemia in young women; characterized ...
详细解释chromicadj.含三价的铬的,铬的;英英释义 ChromicChromic means of, relating to, or containing chromium.以上来源于:Wikipedi...
详细解释bacteriurian.菌尿;英英释义 BacteriuriaIn medicine, bacteriuria denotes the presence of bacteria in urine not due to con...
详细解释phlebotomyn.刺骼,放血; 变形 复数:phlebotomies 英英释义 phlebotomy[ fli'btmi ]n.surgical incision into a vein; used to...
详细解释aesthesian.感觉,知觉;英英释义 aesthesia[ i:s'i:zi ]n.mental responsiveness and awareness同义词:sensibilityesthesia
详细解释sonographyn.超声波检查法,超声波扫描术;英英释义 sonography[ s'nrfi ]n.using the reflections of high-frequency sound wav...
详细解释decalcificationn.脱钙(作用);英英释义 decalcification[ 'di:,klsifi'kein ]n.loss of calcium from bones or teeth
详细解释piloseadj.毛多的,有毛的;英英释义 pilose[ 'pailus, -luz ]adj.covered with hairs especially fine soft ones同义词:pilous...
详细解释pilin.卵橄榄(树),爪哇苦杏仁;菌毛;英英释义 PiliPili (Traditional Chinese: 霹靂) is a puppet show from Taiwan. It is ...
详细解释thalamocorticaladj.丘脑皮层的;英英释义 thalamocortical[ ,lmu'k:tikl ]adj.relating to or connecting the cortex and thala...