共 19 个单词
platern.镀金匠,铁甲工;锅炉片制造工人;平纸机;英英释义 plater[ 'pleit ]n.a skilled worker who coats articles with a fi...
详细解释ictericadj.黄疸的;英英释义 icteric[ ik'terik ]adj.affected by jaundice which causes yellowing of skin etc同义词:jaundi...
详细解释thermotherapyn.温热疗法;英英释义 thermotherapy[ ,:mu'erpi ]n.the use of heat to treat a disease or disorder; heating pa...
详细解释Heine释义海涅(Heinrich,1797-1856,德国诗人);英英释义 HeineHeine is a crater on Mercury. It has a diameter of 75 kilomet...
详细解释precancerousadj.癌症前期的;英英释义 precancerous[ pri:'knsrs ]adj.of or relating to a growth that is not malignant but ...
详细解释undernourishmentn.营养不良;英英释义 undernourishment[ 'nd'nrimnt ]n.not having enough food to develop or function forma...
详细解释lipoidn.类脂;adj.类脂的;英英释义 lipoid[ 'lipid, 'lai- ]n.an oily organic compound insoluble in water but soluble in o...
详细解释tympanumn.鼓膜,鼓室; 变形 复数:tympanumstympana 英英释义 tympanum[ 'timpnm ]n.the main cavity of the ear; between the...
详细解释quantitatev.测定(估计)的数量,用数量来表示; 变形 过去式:quantitated过去分词:quantitated现在分词:quantitating第三人...
详细解释undernourishvt.使营养不足,使吃不饱;英英释义 undernourish[ 'nd'nri ]v.provide with insufficient quality or quantity of ...
详细解释preadolescencen.青春期前;青春前期;英英释义 PreadolescencePreadolescence is a stage of human development following earl...
详细解释zootoxinn.动物性毒素;英英释义 zootoxin[ ,zuu'tksin ]n.a toxin resembling bacterial toxins in its antigenic properties t...