共 52 个单词
Thallium(Tl)网络铊 英英释义 Thallium(Tl)n.a soft grey malleable metallic element that resembles tin but discolors on exp...
详细解释Fluorine(F)网络氟 英英释义 Fluorine(F)n.a nonmetallic univalent element belonging to the halogens; usually a yellow irri...
详细解释Molybdenum(Mo)网络钼 英英释义 Molybdenum(Mo)n.a polyvalent metallic element that resembles chromium and tungsten in its ...
详细解释Xenon(Xe)网络氙 英英释义 Xenon(Xe)n.a colorless odorless inert gaseous element occurring in the earth's atmosphere in tr...
详细解释Hydrogen(H)网络氢;氢气 英英释义 Hydrogen(H)n.a nonmetallic univalent element that is normally a colorless and odorless ...
详细解释Silver(Ag)网络银 英英释义 Silver(Ag)n.a soft white precious univalent metallic element having the highest electrical and...
详细解释Oxygen(O)网络氧气 英英释义 Oxygen(O)n.a nonmetallic bivalent element that is normally a colorless odorless tasteless non...
详细解释Rhodium(Rh)网络铑 英英释义 Rhodium(Rh)n.a white hard metallic element that is one of the platinum group and is found in ...
详细解释Platinum(Pt)网络铂 英英释义 Platinum(Pt)n.a heavy precious metallic element; grey-white and resistant to corroding; occu...
详细解释Nickel(Ni)网络镍;六水合硝酸镍 英英释义 Nickel(Ni)n.a hard malleable ductile silvery metallic element that is resistant ...
详细解释Iodine(I)网络碘 英英释义 Iodine(I)n.a nonmetallic element belonging to the halogens; used especially in medicine and pho...
详细解释Ruthenium(Ru)网络钌 英英释义 Ruthenium(Ru)n.a rare polyvalent metallic element of the platinum group; it is found associ...
详细解释Technetium(Tc)网络锝 英英释义 Technetium(Tc)n.a crystalline metallic element not found in nature; occurs as one of the f...
详细解释Zinc(Zn)网络锌 英英释义 Zinc(Zn)n.a bluish-white lustrous metallic element; brittle at ordinary temperatures but malleab...
详细解释Gold(Au)网络金 英英释义 Gold(Au)n.coins made of golda deep yellow color"he admired the gold of her hair"同义词:ambera s...
详细解释Carbon(C)网络碳 英英释义 Carbon(C)n.an abundant nonmetallic tetravalent element occurring in three allotropic forms: amo...
详细解释Arsenic(As)网络砷 英英释义 Arsenic(As)n.a very poisonous metallic element that has three allotropic forms; arsenic and a...
详细解释Helium(He)网络氦 英英释义 Helium(He)n.a very light colorless element that is one of the six inert gasses; the most diffi...
详细解释Phosphorus(P)网络磷 英英释义 Phosphorus(P)n.a multivalent nonmetallic element of the nitrogen family that occurs commonl...
详细解释Lead(Pb)网络铅 英英释义 Lead(Pb)n.a soft heavy toxic malleable metallic element; bluish white when freshly cut but tarni...
详细解释Thorium(Th)网络钍 英英释义 Thorium(Th)n.a soft silvery-white tetravalent radioactive metallic element; isotope 232 is us...
详细解释Selenium(Se)网络硒 英英释义 Selenium(Se)n.a toxic nonmetallic element related to sulfur and tellurium; occurs in several...
详细解释Bromine(Br)网络溴素;溴气 英英释义 Bromine(Br)n.a nonmetallic largely pentavalent heavy volatile corrosive dark brown li...
详细解释Europium(Eu)网络铕 英英释义 Europium(Eu)n.a bivalent and trivalent metallic element of the rare earth group同义词:Euato...
详细解释Copper(Cu)网络铜;铜板 英英释义 Copper(Cu)n.a ductile malleable reddish-brown corrosion-resistant diamagnetic metallic e...
详细解释Neon(Ne)网络氖 英英释义 Neon(Ne)n.a colorless odorless gaseous element that give a red glow in a vacuum tube; one of the...
详细解释Tellurium(Te)网络碲 英英释义 Tellurium(Te)n.a brittle silver-white metalloid element that is related to selenium and sul...
详细解释Chromium(Cr)网络铬 英英释义 Chromium(Cr)n.a hard brittle multivalent metallic element; resistant to corrosion and tarnis...
详细解释Cobalt(Co)网络钴 英英释义 Cobalt(Co)n.a hard ferromagnetic silver-white bivalent or trivalent metallic element; a trace ...
详细解释Beryllium(Be)网络铍 英英释义 Beryllium(Be)n.a light strong brittle grey toxic bivalent metallic element同义词:Beglucini...
详细解释Calcium(Ca)网络钙;血清钙;钙离子 英英释义 Calcium(Ca)n.a white metallic element that burns with a brilliant light; the ...
详细解释Sulphur(S)网络硫;硫磺 英英释义 Sulphur(S)n.an abundant tasteless odorless multivalent nonmetallic element; best known i...
详细解释Uranium(U)网络铀 英英释义 Uranium(U)n.a heavy toxic silvery-white radioactive metallic element; occurs in many isotopes;...
详细解释Boron(B)网络硼 英英释义 Boron(B)n.a trivalent metalloid element; occurs both in a hard black crystal and in the form of ...
详细解释Tin(Sn)网络锡 英英释义 Tin(Sn)n.a silvery malleable metallic element that resists corrosion; used in many alloys and to ...
详细解释Silicon(Si)网络硅;矽 英英释义 Silicon(Si)n.a tetravalent nonmetallic element; next to oxygen it is the most abundant el...
详细解释Indium(In)网络铟 英英释义 Indium(In)n.a rare soft silvery metallic element; occurs in small quantities in sphalerite同义...
详细解释Chlorine(Cl)网络氯;氯气 英英释义 Chlorine(Cl)n.a common nonmetallic element belonging to the halogens; best known as a ...
详细解释Titanium(Ti)网络钛 英英释义 Titanium(Ti)n.a light strong grey lustrous corrosion-resistant metallic element used in stro...