共 24 个单词
劳动条件相关的的单词有【basic wage】【full-time job】【part-time work】【real wages】【daily wages】【hourly wages】【wage rate per hour】【gross wages】【working day】【weekly wages】【sliding scale】【piecework wage】【old-age pension】【part-time employment】【full-time employment】【monthly wages】【extra pay】【maximum wage】【pay slip】【labour law】【full-time work】【wage index】【collective agreement】【payment in kind】等。
working dayn.工作的日子,工作日;英英释义 working day n.a day on which work is done同义词:workdaywork daythe amount of ...
详细解释sliding scalen.计算尺,按比例增减; 变形 复数:sliding scales 英英释义 sliding scale n.a wage scale that fluctuates in r...
详细解释old-age pension释义退休金,养老金;英英释义 old-age pension n.a monthly payment made to someone who is retired from work...
详细解释maximum wage释义最高工资;英英释义 Maximum wageA maximum wage, also often called a wage ceiling, is a legal limit on how...
详细解释pay slip释义工资单;英英释义 pay slip n.a slip of paper included with your pay that records how much money you have earn...
详细解释labour law释义劳工法;英英释义 Labour lawLabour law (also labor law or employment law) mediates the relationship between...
详细解释collective agreement释义工会代表工人与资方代表达成的协议;英英释义 collective agreement n.contract between labor and man...