共 31 个单词
parasiticaladj.寄生的,食客的;英英释义 parasitical[ pr'sitikl ]adj.relating to or caused by parasites同义词:parasitico...
详细解释snuffedv.剪(烛)花( snuff的过去式和过去分词 );熄灭(烛光);消灭;谋杀英英释义 snuff[ snf ]n.the charred portion of a ...
详细解释rebelliousnessn.造反,难以控制;英英释义 rebelliousnessn.intentionally contemptuous behavior or attitude同义词:defiance...
详细解释ploughland释义耕地,田地;英英释义 ploughland[ 'plau,lnd ]n.arable land that is worked by plowing and sowing and raising...
详细解释indignantlyadv.愤怒地,愤慨地,愤愤不平地;英英释义 indignantly[ in'dignntli ]adv.in an indignant manner"Miss Burney pro...
详细解释levelledvt.使同等(level的过去式与过去分词形式); 双语释义n.(名词)[C]水平线,水平面;水平高度 line or surface parallel to...
详细解释limplyadv.柔软地,四肢无力地,无生气地;英英释义 limply[ 'limpli ]adv.without rigidity"the body was hanging limply from ...
详细解释huddlingvi.挤在一起(huddle的现在分词形式); 双语释义v.(动词)vt. & vi. (使)挤作一团,(使)聚成一堆 (cause to) crowd toget...
详细解释pulitzer释义普利策奖获得者;英英释义 pulitzer[ 'pulits; 'pju:- ]n.United States newspaper publisher (born in Hungary) wh...
详细解释ludicrouslyadv.滑稽地,荒唐地;英英释义 ludicrously[ 'lu:dikrsli ]adv.so as to arouse or deserve laughter同义词:laughab...
详细解释unorthodoxyadj. 非传统的;异端的 英英释义 unorthodoxyn.any opinions or doctrines at variance with the official or orthod...
详细解释zoomorphismn.动物形象,用动物之形象;英英释义 zoomorphism[ ,zuu'm:fizm ]n.the attribution of animal forms or qualities t...
详细解释ruthlesslyadv.无情地,冷酷地,残忍地;英英释义 ruthlessly[ 'ru:lisli ]adv.in a ruthless manner"the government has been u...
详细解释posthumouslyadv.于死后,于身后;于著作者死后出版地;英英释义 posthumously[ 'pstjumsli ]adv.after death"these piano piece...
详细解释shrewdly释义机灵的;英英释义 shrewdly[ 'ru:dli ]adv.in a shrewd manner同义词:astutelysagaciouslysapientlyacutely
详细解释dejectedlyadv.沮丧地,灰心地;英英释义 dejectedly[ di'dektidli ]adv.in a dejected manner"when she came back Sophie and E...
详细解释tyrannisevt.施暴政,实行极权统治,横行霸道;英英释义 tyrannisev.rule a country as a tyrant同义词:tyrannizegrind downrul...
详细解释coccidiosisn.球虫病;英英释义 coccidiosis[ kk,sidi'usis ]n.(veterinary medicine) infestation with coccidia
详细解释feeblyadv.衰弱地,无力地;英英释义 feebly[ 'fi:bli ]adv.in a faint and feeble manner"the lighthouse, flashing feebly aga...
详细解释frugallyadv.节约地,俭朴地;英英释义 frugally[ 'fru:gli ]adv.in a frugal manner"in villages, the new pipeline marks the ...
详细解释blithelyadv.欢乐地,快活地,无挂虑地;英英释义 blithely[ 'blaili ]adv.in a joyous manner同义词:happilymerrilymirthfully...
详细解释sternlyadv.严格地;严厉地;断然地;坚决地英英释义 sternly[ 'st:nli ]adv.with sternness; in a severe manner"`No,' she sai...
详细解释unanimouslyadv.无异议地,全体一致地;英英释义 unanimouslyadv.of one mind; without dissent"the Senate unanimously approve...
详细解释diligentlyadv.勤勉地,勤奋地;用心;孜孜不倦;英英释义 diligently[ 'dilidntli ]adv.with diligence; in a diligent manner"...
详细解释uneasinessn.担心;不安;局促;拘束英英释义 uneasiness[ n'i:zinis ]n.feelings of anxiety that make you tense and irritabl...