共 130 个单词
功夫熊猫第一季上篇相关的的单词有【sneezy】【ref】【britches】【scouting】【stink of】【lack in】【butterball】【catlike】【sidekick】【dimwit】【sorta】【Popper】【bratty】【bodacious】【addlepated】【choking】【cough up】【behead】【shambling】【dud】【lummox】【lyrical】【goon】【healer】【encrust】【toy with】【lumbering】【mountaintop】【contraption】【pick on】【Highness】【pillage】【back away】【personage】【panache】【freakish】【gawky】【feisty】【gullible】【hypnotic】等。
refn.裁判员; 变形 复数:refs 英英释义 ref[ ref ]n.(sports) the chief official (as in boxing or American football) who i...
详细解释butterballn.黄油球;胖人[肥胖的动物];胖子;英英释义 butterball[ 'btb:l ]n.a rotund individual同义词:fatsofattyfat pers...
详细解释dimwitn.傻瓜; 变形 复数:dimwits 英英释义 dimwit[ 'dimwit ]n.a stupid incompetent person同义词:nitwithalf-witdoofus
详细解释sortaadv.近似,有几分,可以说是;英英释义 SortaSorta is a rock band based in Dallas, Texas. The band has been honored wi...
详细解释Poppern.发出砰的响声的人(或物),服药成瘾者; 变形 复数:poppers 英英释义 Popper[ 'pp ]n.a container of stimulant drug ...
详细解释brattyadj.讨厌的,不服从的;英英释义 bratty[ 'brti ]adj.(used of an ill-mannered child) impolitely unruly同义词:brattis...
详细解释bodaciousadj.胆大包天的;英英释义 bodacious[ bu'deis ]adj.incorrigible"a bodacious gossip"unrestrained by convention or ...
详细解释addlepatedadj.头脑糊涂的,愚蠢的,怪僻的;英英释义 addlepated[ 'dl,peitid ]adj.stupid and confused; used especially of p...
详细解释cough up释义认罪;勉强说出(某事);咳出;掏出英英释义 cough up v.give reluctantly同义词:pony upspit updischarge (phleg...
详细解释lummoxn.愚蠢不中用者,笨伯;英英释义 lummox[ 'lmks ]n.an awkward stupid person同义词:loutclodstumblebumgoonoaflubberlum...
详细解释lyricaladj.热情奔放的,抒情般的;感情丰富的;英英释义 lyrical[ 'lirikl ]adj.suitable for or suggestive of singingexpress...
详细解释goonn.受雇暴徒,呆子,愚笨者; 变形 复数:goons 英英释义 goon[ u:n ]n.an awkward stupid person同义词:loutclodstumblebum...
详细解释healern.医治者;治疗物;治病术士; 变形 复数:healers 英英释义 healer[ 'hi:l ]n.a person skilled in a particular type of...
详细解释toy with释义摆[玩]弄…;非严肃地考虑…;英英释义 toy with v.take into consideration, have in view同义词:entertainthink ...
详细解释lumberingn.伐木业;adj.笨重的;英英释义 lumbering[ 'lmbri ]n.the trade of cutting or preparing or selling timberadj.slow...
详细解释mountaintopn.山顶;英英释义 MountaintopMountaintop generally refers to the summit of a mountain.以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释contraptionn.奇妙的装置,新发明; 变形 复数:contraptions 英英释义 contraption[ kn'trpn ]n.a device or control that is v...
详细解释back away释义为了让出地方而后退,由于害怕而后退;不愿考虑;英英释义 back away v.make a retreat from an earlier commitmen...
详细解释personagen.人,(尤指)要人,名人; 变形 复数:personages 英英释义 personage[ 'p:snid ]n.another word for person; a pers...
详细解释panachen.羽饰;耍派头; 变形 复数:panaches 英英释义 panache[ p'n ]n.distinctive and stylish elegance同义词:dashelanfla...
详细解释freakishadj.异想天开的;朝三暮四的;奇特的;畸形的英英释义 freakish[ 'fri:ki ]adj.changeable"freakish weather"同义词:ca...
详细解释gawkyadj.迟钝的,笨拙的;英英释义 gawky[ ':ki ]adj.lacking grace in movement or posture"a gawky lad with long ungainly l...
详细解释feistyadj.活跃的;好争吵的;精力充沛的;烦躁不安的英英释义 feistyadj.showing courage"the champion is faced with a feisty...
详细解释gullibleadj.易受骗的,轻信的;英英释义 gullible[ 'lbl ]adj.naive and easily deceived or tricked"at that early age she ha...