共 38 个单词
剑桥通用英语KET词汇相关的的单词有【worry over】【look about】【straight out】【in celebration of】【at the end】【cassette player】【granddad】【pen friend】【drive home】【be able to do】【have a shower】【go downstairs】【have breakfast】【keep a diary】【knock on】【get home】【go skiing】【used to do】【at the age of】【go upstairs】【go camping】【write about】【welcome to】【pacer】【chemist's】【cassette recorder】【convince of】【attack on】【consist in】【Cash on Delivery】【be eager for】【some day】【enjoy oneself】【knock at】【be similar to】【reception desk】【at the top of】【go back to】等。
straight out释义坦白地,率直地,毫不犹豫地;英英释义 straight out adj.without reservation or exception同义词:outrightst...
详细解释at the end释义在…的末尾;英英释义 At the End"At the End"is the 2nd single by New York house band iiO. It was released o...
详细解释cassette playern.卡式录音; 变形 复数:cassette players 英英释义 cassette player n.electronic equipment for playing cass...
详细解释granddadn.爷爷;英英释义 granddad[ 'rndd ]n.the father of your father or mother同义词:grandfathergrampsgrandadgranddadd...
详细解释pen friendn.笔友;英英释义 pen friend n.a person you come to know by frequent friendly correspondence同义词:pen palpen-...
详细解释drive home释义把…完全敲入;讲清楚;驾车回来;英英释义 drive home v.carry out or perform同义词:delivermake clear by spe...
详细解释knock on释义敲击;(使)增加;不停地工作;取消英英释义 knock on n.(rugby) knocking the ball forward while trying to catc...
详细解释write about释义写…的事,写到…,把(某事)作为写作的主题;英英释义 write about v.write about a particular topic同义词:...
详细解释pacern.步测者,溜蹄的马;英英释义 pacer[ 'peis ]n.a horse used to set the pace in racing同义词:pacemakerpacesettera hor...
详细解释chemist's网络药店;药剂师;场店 英英释义 chemist's[ 'kemists ]n.a retail shop where medicine and other articles are sold...
详细解释cassette recorder释义盒式记录器; 变形 复数:cassette recorders 英英释义 cassette recorder n.a recorder for recording or...
详细解释Cash on Delivery释义交货付现,货到付款;送到付现;交货付款;英英释义 Cash on Delivery adv.collecting the charges upon de...
详细解释some dayadv.有一天,某一天;改天,他日;明儿;有朝一日英英释义 some day adv.some unspecified time in the future同义词:s...
详细解释reception deskn.(旅馆、饭店的)接待处;英英释义 reception desk n.a counter (as in a hotel) where guests are received