共 122 个单词
剑桥商务英语中级词汇用法上相关的的单词有【nonprofit organization】【heavy industry】【corporate culture】【team player】【sole proprietor】【just in time】【the general public】【trade down】【drive out of】【clock in】【TV commercial】【consumer durables】【package deal】【Copyright infringement】【free sample】【market-oriented】【product placement】【Business Process Reengineering】【price war】【Purchasing Manager】【hi tech】【Quality Circle】【financial service】【loss leader】【Best practice】【open air】【franchisor】【spot check】【royalty payment】【direct marketing】【zero defect】【work in progress】【total quality management】【at a discount】【full capacity】【end-user】【licensing agreement】【industrial action】【low-end】【package holiday】等。
nonprofit organization释义非营利机构,非营利组织;英英释义 nonprofit organization n.an organization chartered for other ...
详细解释heavy industryn.重工业; 变形 复数:heavy industries 英英释义 Heavy industryHeavy industry does not have a single fixed ...
详细解释just in time释义正好;可好;分秒不差;英英释义 just in time adv.at the last possible moment同义词:in the nick of time
详细解释consumer durablesn.耐用消费品( consumer durable的名词复数 );英英释义 consumer durables n.consumer goods that are not de...
详细解释Copyright infringement释义版权侵犯;英英释义 Copyright infringement n.a violation of the rights secured by a copyright同...
详细解释price warn.价格战; 变形 复数:price wars 英英释义 price war n.intense competition in which competitors cut retail price...
详细解释Purchasing Manager释义采购经理;英英释义 Purchasing managerA Purchasing Manager is an employee within a company, busines...
详细解释hi tech英英释义 hi tech [ 'haitek ]adj.resembling or making use of highly advanced technology or devices同义词:high-tec...
详细解释Quality Circle释义质量攻关会议; 质量(管理)小组;英英释义 Quality circleA quality circle is a volunteer group composed...
详细解释loss leader释义为招揽顾客而削本出售的商品; 变形 复数:loss leaders 英英释义 loss leader n.a featured article of merchan...
详细解释Best practice释义最优方法;英英释义 Best practiceA best practice is a method or technique that has consistently shown re...
详细解释open airn.户外,露天;英英释义 open air n.where the air is unconfined同义词:outdoorsout-of-doorsopenadj.in the open air...
详细解释spot checkn.抽样调查,抽查; 变形 复数:spot checks 英英释义 spot check n.a check on work performance or product quality...
详细解释direct marketing释义直接行销,直接营销;英英释义 direct marketing n.marketing via a promotion delivered directly to the ...
详细解释work in progress释义在制品,在产品; 进行中工作;英英释义 work in progress n.a piece of work that is not yet finished
详细解释total quality management释义全面质量管理;整体品质管理;英英释义 Total quality managementTotal Quality Management / TQM ...
详细解释end-user释义(产品,尤指计算机产品的)最终用户,直接用户,终端用户;英英释义 end-user[ 'end,ju:z ]n.the ultimate user fo...
详细解释licensing agreement释义专利使用权转让协定;英英释义 licensing agreement n.contract giving someone the legal right to use...
详细解释industrial actionn.(罢工等)劳工行动;英英释义 Industrial actionIndustrial action (UK, Ireland and Australia) or job ac...
详细解释package holidayn.(旅行社安排一切的)一揽子旅游;英英释义 package holiday n.a tour arranged by a travel agent; transport...