共 122 个单词
剑桥商务英语中级词汇用法上相关的的单词有【self-driven】【senior executive】【career ladder】【service sector】【chambers of commerce】【chief financial officer】【skilled at】【skilled in】【be confused with】【Day shift】【manageress】【clock on】【clock off】【clock out】【be fed up】【market-driven】【benefit package】【company car】【Computer Hardware】【computer literate】【labor union】【beta version】【in work】【off work】【private enterprise】【food processing】【life insurance company】【go slow】【household goods】【Human Resources Department】【qualify as】【RSI】【free enterprise】【fund raising】【nine to five】【building society】【open plan】【manufacturing sector】【big business】【fat cat】等。
career ladder释义职务级别提升,(职务)提级;英英释义 Career ladderCareer ladder is a metaphor for job promotion. In bus...
详细解释chief financial officer释义财务长;英英释义 chief financial officer n.the corporate executive having financial authority...
详细解释Day shiftn.日班;英英释义 Day shift n.the work shift during the day (as 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.)workers who work during the day...
详细解释manageressn.女经理,女管理人; 变形 复数:manageresses 英英释义 manageress[ 'mnidres ]n.a woman manager
详细解释clock off释义打卡以记录下班时间;英英释义 clock off v.register one's departure from work同义词:clock outpunch out
详细解释clock out释义用打卡机记录下班时间;英英释义 clock out v.register one's departure from work同义词:punch outclock off
详细解释Computer Hardware释义计算机的硬件;英英释义 Computer Hardware n.(computer science) the mechanical, magnetic, electronic,...
详细解释labor unionn.工会; 变形 复数:labor unions 英英释义 labor union n.an organization of employees formed to bargain with t...
详细解释private enterprisen.私人企业,民营企业;英英释义 private enterprise n.an economy that relies chiefly on market forces to...
详细解释food processing释义食品加工,食品热杀菌;英英释义 Food processingIndustrial [[cheese production]]以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释go slow释义减慢速度;怠工;减少活动;慢行英英释义 go slow n.a form of protest by workers in which they deliberately slow...
详细解释RSIabbr.repetitive stress injury 反复压力伤害;repetitive strain injury 重复性疲劳伤害;reflected signal indication 反射...
详细解释free enterprisen.自由企业;英英释义 free enterprise n.an economy that relies chiefly on market forces to allocate goods ...
详细解释fund raising释义资金筹措;英英释义 FundraisingFundraising or fund raising (also development) is the process of solicitin...
详细解释building societyn.房屋建筑会,建房互助协会; 变形 复数:building societies 英英释义 building society n.British equivalen...
详细解释open plan释义开放学制;英英释义 open plan adj.(of rooms or buildings) having large rooms with few dividing partitions同义...
详细解释big business释义(尤指有举足轻重影响力的)大企业集团,大财阀;英英释义 big business n.commercial enterprises organized a...