共 25 个单词
初中人教版九年级相关的的单词有【Shen Nong】【Ace Travel】【tag question】【battery-operated】【make sb. feel at home】【be in agreement】【sportspeople】【let...down...】【go out of one's way to do sth.】【not...in the slightest】【Notre Dame Cathedral】【Oxford University】【it doesn't matter】【chatline】【be terrified of】【go for walks】【present perfect】【get back to sb.】【april fool's day】【present simple】【present progressive】【not...any more】【old people's home】【water slide】【clean-up】等。
tag question释义附加疑问句;英英释义 Tag questionA question tag or tag question is a grammatical structure in which a de...
详细解释sportspeoplen.爱好运动的人,运动员;英英释义 Sportsperson[[Jim Thorpe at the 1912 Summer Olympics]]以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释let...down...释义使;英英释义 let...down...n.a feeling of dissatisfaction that results when your expectations are not re...
详细解释Oxford Universityn.牛津大学;英英释义 Oxford University n.a university in England同义词:Oxford
详细解释it doesn't matter释义没关系;没什么;英英释义 It Doesn't Matter"It Doesn't Matter"is the fourth single to be released fr...
详细解释present perfectn.现在完成时;英英释义 present perfect n.a perfective tense used to express action completed in the prese...
详细解释april fool's dayn.愚人节(4月1日);英英释义 April Fool's DayApril Fool's Day is a 2008 horror film, which is a direct-to-...
详细解释present progressive释义现在进行时;英英释义 present progressive n.a tense used to express action that is on-going at the...
详细解释old people's home释义养老院;敬老院; 变形 复数:old people's homes 英英释义 Old people's homeThe term old people's home...
详细解释water slide释义水滑道;英英释义 Water slideA water slide (also referred to as flumes, water chutes, or hydroslides) is a...