共 30 个单词
全明星超人-All-Star-Superman相关的的单词有【jarful】【betcha】【bon appetit】【double cross】【cadmus】【squiggle】【moby dick】【neocon】【life form】【empyrean】【melville】【attila】【oafish】【deathtrap】【family plot】【death row】【no less】【tesseract】【corequake】【simmer down】【factoid】【zillionaire】【in a jam】【ectomorph】【HQ】【quintillion】【Elysium】【manana】【think tank】【sign out】等。
double crossn.欺骗,出卖;英英释义 double cross n.an act of betrayal同义词:double-crossingv.betray by double-dealing
详细解释moby dick释义白鲸记;英英释义 Moby DickMoby Dick is an unfinished film by Orson Welles, filmed in 1971. It is not to be ...
详细解释neoconn. 新保守主义;新保守主义者(等于neoconservative) 英英释义 neocon[ ,ni:u'kn ]n.a conservative who subscribes to n...
详细解释life form释义生活型; 变形 复数:life forms 英英释义 life form n.the characteristic bodily form of a mature organism
详细解释melvillen.梅尔维尔(m.) 梅尔维尔湖[加拿大东部](位于拉布拉多半岛);英英释义 melville[ 'melvil ]n.United States writer of...
详细解释attilan.匈奴王;英英释义 attila[ 'til ]n.king of the Huns; the most successful barbarian invader of the Roman Empire (40...
详细解释oafishadj.痴呆的,笨手笨脚的;英英释义 oafish[ 'ufi ]adj.ill-mannered and coarse and contemptible in behavior or appeara...
详细解释deathtrapn.危险的地方,危险的建筑物;死地;英英释义 deathtrap[ 'detrp ]n.any structure that is very unsafe; where people...
详细解释death rown.死囚室;英英释义 death row n.the cellblock in a prison where those condemned to death await execution同义词:...
详细解释tesseractn.立方体的四维模拟,超正方体;英英释义 TesseractTesseract (often stylized as TesseracT) are a British progressi...
详细解释simmer downv.被煮浓,被总括起来;英英释义 simmer down v.become quiet or calm, especially after a state of agitation同义词...
详细解释factoidn.(仅因出现在出版物上而被信以为真的)仿真陈述;英英释义 factoid[ 'fktid ]n.something resembling a fact; unverifi...
详细解释HQabbr.(=headquarters)总部,司令部; 变形 复数:HQs 英英释义 HQ[ ,eit 'kju: ]n.the military installation from which a co...
详细解释quintillionn.(美、法)百万的三次方,(英、德)百万的五次方; 变形 复数:quintillions 英英释义 quintillion[ kwin'tiljn ]...
详细解释Elysiumn.极乐世界,至福之境;英英释义 Elysium[ i'lizim ]n.a place or condition of ideal happiness(Greek mythology) the a...
详细解释think tankn.智囊团;英英释义 think tank n.a company that does research for hire and issues reports on the implications同...