共 43 个单词
全新版大学英语综合教程2相关的的单词有【test pilot】【in poor health】【differential equations】【body builder】【get credit】【geode】【on line】【motor nerve】【no-no】【go south】【multivariable】【jut out】【SUV】【Associate degree】【fastfood】【not in the least】【differential equation】【telecommuter】【to a degree】【pole-vault】【bring back to earth】【keep in suspense】【Celt】【rid oneself of】【viburnum】【come into bloom】【indo-european】【effluvia】【catbird】【strictly speaking】【respecter】【for effect】【to name a few】【checkerboard】【find one's way】【shortly after】【in one's mind's eye】【take-off】【By all accounts】【live for】等。
test pilotn.试飞员; 变形 复数:test pilots 英英释义 test pilot n.a pilot hired to fly experimental airplanes through ma...
详细解释body builder释义车身制造厂;英英释义 body builder [ 'bdi'bild ]n.someone who does special exercises to develop a brawny ...
详细解释geoden.晶洞,异质晶簇;晶球;英英释义 geode[ 'di(:)ud ]n.(mineralogy) a hollow rock or nodule with the cavity usually ...
详细解释on line释义[经] (与主机)联机,在线,机内;联线;英英释义 on line adj.on a regular route of a railroad or bus or airlin...
详细解释motor nerven.运动神经;英英释义 motor nerve n.a nerve that conveys impulses toward or to muscles or glands同义词:effere...
详细解释no-non.被禁止的东西,不准干的事; 变形 复数:no-no's 英英释义 NONONon-POU domain-containing octamer-binding protein is a...
详细解释jut outv.伸出;英英释义 jut out v.extend out or project in space同义词:stick outprotrudejutproject
详细解释SUVn.多功能运动车;英英释义 SUVn.a high-performance four-wheel drive car built on a truck chassis同义词:sport utilitysp...
详细解释Associate degreen.美国大学修满二年课程的肄业证书;英英释义 Associate degree n.a degree granted by a two-year college on ...
详细解释differential equation释义微分方程(式);英英释义 differential equation n.an equation containing differentials of a func...
详细解释pole-vaultvi.撑竿跳;英英释义 pole-vault[ 'pulv:lt ]n.a competition that involves jumping over a high crossbar with the ...
详细解释Celtn.[史]凯尔特人(印欧民族的一支); 变形 复数:Celts 英英释义 Celt[ kelt; selt ]n.a member of a European people who o...
详细解释viburnumn.荚莲属的植物;英英释义 viburnum[ vai'b:nm ]n.deciduous or evergreen shrubs or small trees: arrow-wood; wayfari...
详细解释indo-europeann.& adj.印欧语系(的);英英释义 indo-european[ 'indu,jur'pi:n ]n.a member of the prehistoric people who sp...
详细解释catbirdn.猫声鸟,猫鹊(产于北美洲的一种鸣禽);英英释义 catbird[ 'ktb:d ]n.any of various birds of the Australian region...
详细解释strictly speakingadv.严格来说;严格说来;英英释义 strictly speaking adv.in actual fact同义词:properly speakingto be pre...
详细解释respectern.尊重者,尊敬者;对任何人一视同仁; 变形 复数:respecters 英英释义 respecter[ ri'spekt ]n.a person who respect...
详细解释checkerboardn.西洋跳棋盘; 变形 复数:checkerboards 英英释义 checkerboard[ 'tekb:d ]n.a board having 64 squares of two a...
详细解释take-offn.起飞;英英释义 take-offn.a departure; especially of airplanes同义词:takeoffthe initial ascent of an airplane ...