共 79 个单词
全国英语等级考试第二级PETS2相关的的单词有【smokeless】【radio presenter】【coffee grounds】【alternative medicine】【millennium bug】【wast】【nerve-racking】【multivitamin】【new yorker】【green thumb】【ash tray】【masse】【atomic bomb】【syphon】【Web site】【trolley bus】【Argentinian】【preform】【windbreak】【beauty parlor】【carfare】【helipad】【cash-strapped】【procuratorial】【reconstructed】【tote bag】【special delivery】【en masse】【gabled】【in a state】【ethology】【go hiking】【buffet dinner】【roller skate】【lawn mower】【tongue twister】【for now】【music video】【surface mail】【check-up】等。
smokelessadj.无烟的;英英释义 smokeless[ 'smuklis ]adj.emitting or containing little or no smoke"smokeless factory stack...
详细解释coffee groundsn.咖啡渣;英英释义 coffee grounds n.the dregs remaining after brewing coffee
详细解释alternative medicine释义(不同于现代西方医学的)另类医疗;英英释义 alternative medicine n.the practice of medicine witho...
详细解释nerve-rackingadj.伤脑筋的;英英释义 nerve-racking[ 'n:v,rki ]adj.extremely irritating to the nerves"nerve-racking noise"...
详细解释multivitaminadj.多种维生素的;n.多种维生素剂;英英释义 multivitamin[ ,mlti'vitmin, -vai-', -'vai- ]n.a pill or tablet co...
详细解释new yorkern.纽约州人或居民,纽约市人或居民;英英释义 new yorker n.a native or resident of New York (especially of New Yo...
详细解释green thumbn.有特殊园艺才能;英英释义 green thumb n.a special ability to make plants grow同义词:green fingers
详细解释ash tray释义灰盘,烟灰缸;英英释义 ash tray n.a receptacle for the ash from smokers' cigars or cigarettes同义词:ashtray
详细解释masse释义[体]竖直挫球;英英释义 masse[ m'sei ]n.a shot in billiards made by hitting the cue ball with the cue held nearl...
详细解释atomic bombn.原子弹; 变形 复数:atomic bombs 英英释义 atomic bomb n.a nuclear weapon in which enormous energy is releas...
详细解释Web site释义网站;英英释义 Web site n.a computer connected to the internet that maintains a series of web pages on the W...
详细解释trolley busn.无轨电车; 变形 复数:trolley buses 英英释义 trolley bus n.a passenger bus with an electric motor that draw...
详细解释Argentinianadj.阿根廷的; 变形 复数:Argentinians 英英释义 Argentinian[ ,a:dn'tinin ]n.a native or inhabitant of Argenti...
详细解释preformvt.预先形成;n.粗加工的成品; 变形 过去式:preformed过去分词:preformed现在分词:preforming第三人称单数:preforms...
详细解释windbreakn.防风林;防风物;防风墙;防风设备 变形 复数:windbreaks 英英释义 windbreak[ 'windbreik ]n.hedge or fence of tr...
详细解释beauty parlorn.美容院;英英释义 beauty parlor n.a shop where hairdressers and beauticians work同义词:salonbeauty salonb...
详细解释carfaren.电车费,公共汽车费,(电车或公共汽车的)票价;英英释义 carfare[ 'k:f ]n.the fare charged for riding a bus or st...
详细解释helipadn.直升机起飞及降落场,直升机停机坪; 变形 复数:helipads 英英释义 HelipadA helipad in the UK以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释reconstructedadj.重建的,改造的;v.重建( reconstruct的过去式和过去分词 );重现,重整;英英释义 reconstructed[ ,ri:kn'str...
详细解释special deliveryn.邮件快递;快邮;英英释义 special delivery n.mail that is delivered by a special carrier (for an additi...
详细解释gabledadj.有山形墙的,有人形墙的;英英释义 gabled[ 'eibld ]adj.(of a roof) constructed with a single slope on each side ...
详细解释ethologyn.动物行动学,道德体系学;英英释义 ethology[ i'ldi ]n.the branch of zoology that studies the behavior of animals...
详细解释roller skaten.四轮滑冰鞋;英英释义 roller skate n.a shoe with pairs of rollers fixed to the solev.travel on shoes with s...
详细解释tongue twistern.绕口令;英英释义 tongue twister n.an expression that is difficult to articulate clearly
详细解释music video释义音乐影片;英英释义 Music videoA music video or song video is a short film integrating a song and imagery,...