共 51 个单词
儿童发展心理学Child-Development-psychology相关的的单词有【sensorimotor】【Oedipus】【wariness】【androgyny】【self esteem】【operant】【ecological system】【genotype】【trial and error】【pragmatics】【metacognition】等。
sensorimotoradj.感觉运动的;英英释义 sensorimotor[ sensri'mut ]adj.of or relating to the sensory and motor coordination ...
详细解释Oedipusn.俄狄浦斯;英英释义 Oedipus[ 'i:dips; 'e- ]n.(Greek mythology) a tragic king of Thebes who unknowingly killed hi...
详细解释warinessn.谨慎,注意,小心;戒心;英英释义 wariness[ 'wrinis ]n.the trait of being cautious and watchful同义词:charines...
详细解释androgynyn.雌雄同体;雌雄同体性;英英释义 androgyny[ n'drdini ]n.showing characteristics of both sexes同义词:hermaphrod...
详细解释self esteem释义自尊;英英释义 self esteem n.a feeling of pride in yourself同义词:self-esteemself-pridethe quality of be...
详细解释operantn.发生作用的人或物,工作的人或物;adj.动作的;英英释义 operant[ 'prnt ]adj.having influence or producing an effec...
详细解释genotypen.基因型;属型;英英释义 genotype[ 'di:nutaip ]n.a group of organisms sharing a specific genetic constitutionthe...
详细解释trial and error释义反复试验,从失败中找到解决办法;试差法;试错法;英英释义 trial and error n.experimenting until a solu...
详细解释metacognition释义元认知;英英释义 MetacognitionMetacognition is defined as "cognition about cognition", or "knowing abou...