共 51 个单词
儿童发展心理学Child-Development-psychology相关的的单词有【decalage】【piagetian】【dialogic】【emic】【independent variable】【rhythmicity】【motherese】【critical period】【microsystem】【pku】【prosocial】【canalization】【Electra】【intrapersonal】【heteronomous】【sociocultural】【ADHD】【epigenesis】【avoidant】【dependent variable】【ontogenetic】【telegraphic】【superego】【modularity】【orchestration】【heterozygous】【homozygous】【zygote】【aetiology】【hyperplasia】【chorea】【heritability】【monozygotic】【habituation】【thyroxine】【teratogen】【meta】【coevolution】【meiosis】【etic】等。
decalagen.倾角差,翼差角;差倾角;英英释义 DecalageDecalage on a fixed-wing aircraft is the angle difference between the...
详细解释piagetianadj.(瑞士儿童心理学家)皮亚杰的皮亚杰关于儿童思维发育理论的;英英释义 piagetian[ ,pj:'ein ]adj.of or relating ...
详细解释dialogicadj.(用)对话体的;英英释义 DialogicThe English terms dialogic and dialogism often refer to the concept used by...
详细解释independent variable释义自变数,自变量;英英释义 independent variable n.(statistics) a variable whose values are indepen...
详细解释rhythmicityn.节奏性,韵律性;节律性;英英释义 rhythmicity[ ri'misti, ri- ]n.the rhythmic property imparted by the accent...
详细解释motherese释义妈妈语(家长与儿童交谈时所用的浅显易懂语言);英英释义 motherese[ 'mriz ]n.an adult's imitation of the spee...
详细解释critical period释义关键时期;英英释义 Critical periodThis article is about a critical period in an organism's or person'...
详细解释microsystemn.微小系统;英英释义 MicrosystemMicrosystem is the name commonly used in Europe to describe the same technolo...
详细解释pku释义苯丙酮尿症;英英释义 pkun.a genetic disorder of metabolism; lack of the enzyme needed to turn phenylalanine into ...
详细解释canalizationn.开凿运河,运河网造管术;渠化;英英释义 canalization[ ,knlai'zein, -li'z- ]n.the production of a canal or a...
详细解释heteronomousadj.他律的,他治的,受不同生长规律支配的;英英释义 HeteronomousHeteronomous means 'having different laws' an...
详细解释socioculturaladj.社会与文代化的;英英释义 sociocultural[ ,susiu'kltrl, -i- ]adj.relating to both social and cultural mat...
详细解释ADHDn.[儿童]注意缺陷多动障碍,小儿多动症;英英释义 ADHD[ ,ei di: ,eit 'di: ]n.a condition (mostly in boys) characterized...
详细解释epigenesisn.后成,渐成说,外成外力变质;后成论;英英释义 epigenesis[ ,epi'denisis ]n.a geological change in the mineral ...
详细解释dependent variable释义因变量,应变数,他变数;因变数;英英释义 dependent variable n.(statistics) a variable in a logical...
详细解释ontogeneticadj.个体发生的,个体发育的;英英释义 ontogenetic[ ,ntudi'netik ]adj.of or relating to the origin and developm...
详细解释telegraphicadj.电报机的;电信的;电报的;(目光,手势等)暗示的英英释义 telegraphic[ ,teli'rfik ]adj.of or relating to o...
详细解释superegon.超自我,上位自我; 变形 复数:superegos 英英释义 superego[ ,sju:p'i:u ]n.(psychoanalysis) that part of the unc...
详细解释orchestrationn.管弦乐编曲,管弦乐作曲法; 变形 复数:orchestrations 英英释义 orchestration[ ,:kis'trein, -ke- ]n.an arra...
详细解释heterozygousadj.杂合的;英英释义 heterozygous[ ,hetru'zais ]adj.having dissimilar alleles at corresponding chromosomal l...
详细解释homozygousadj.同型结合的,纯合子的;英英释义 homozygous[ ,humu'zais ]adj.having identical alleles at corresponding chrom...
详细解释zygoten.合子,受精卵; 变形 复数:zygotes 英英释义 zygote[ 'zaiut, 'zi- ]n.the cell resulting from the union of an ovum ...
详细解释aetiologyn.原因之说明,原因论,病原; 变形 复数:aetiologies 英英释义 aetiology[ ,i:ti'ldi ]n.the cause of a disease同义...
详细解释hyperplasian.增生,数量性肥大;英英释义 hyperplasia[ ,haip'pleizj ]n.abnormal increase in number of cells
详细解释chorean.舞蹈症;英英释义 chorea[ k'ri ]n.chorea in dogs同义词:canine choreaany of several degenerative nervous disorder...
详细解释heritabilityn.遗传可能性;英英释义 HeritabilityThe heritability of a trait within a population is the proportion of obse...
详细解释monozygoticadj.单卵的,单精合子的;英英释义 monozygotic[ ,mnuzai'tik ]adj.derived from a single fertilized egg"monozygot...
详细解释habituationn.适应;习惯性;英英释义 habituation[ h,bitju'ein ]n.being abnormally tolerant to and dependent on something ...
详细解释thyroxinen.甲状腺素,甲状腺氨酸;英英释义 thyroxine[ ai'rksi:n, -sin ]n.hormone produced by the thyroid glands to regula...
详细解释teratogenn.致畸剂,畸胎剂;英英释义 teratogen[ 'tertudin, t'rt- ]n.any agent that interferes with normal embryonic devel...
详细解释coevolutionn.共同进化;英英释义 Coevolution[[Bumblebees and the flowers they pollinate have coevolved so that both have ...
详细解释meiosisn.减数分裂,成熟分裂; 变形 复数:meioses 英英释义 meiosis[ mai'usis ]n.(genetics) cell division that produces re...