共 218 个单词
toxemian.血毒症;毒血症;英英释义 toxemia[ tk'si:mi ]n.an abnormal condition of pregnancy characterized by hypertension ...
详细解释oligurian.尿过少,少尿(症);英英释义 oliguria[ ,li'juri ]n.abnormally small production of urine; can be a symptom of k...
详细解释diazepamn.安定(一种镇静安眠药);英英释义 diazepam[ dai'zipm ]n.a tranquilizer (trade name Valium) used to relieve anxi...
详细解释enuresisn.遗尿;英英释义 enuresis[ ,enju'ri:sis ]n.inability to control the flow of urine and involuntary urination同义词...
详细解释parenteraladj.肠胃外的;不经肠的;非肠道的;注射用药物的英英释义 parenteral[ p'rentrl ]adj.administered by means other t...
详细解释teratoman.畸胎瘤; 变形 复数:teratomas 英英释义 teratoma[ ,ter'tum ]n.a tumor consisting of a mixture of tissues not no...
详细解释pyemian.脓毒症,脓血症;英英释义 pyemia[ pai'i:mj ]n.septicemia caused by pus-forming bacteria being released from an ab...
详细解释genitourinaryadj.泌尿生殖器的;英英释义 genitourinary[ ,denitu'jurinri ]adj.of or related to the genital and urinary org...
详细解释retractorn.牵引器;缩肌;牵缩肌;英英释义 retractor[ ri'trkt ]n.surgical instrument that holds back the edges of a surgi...
详细解释cardiopulmonaryadj.心肺的;英英释义 cardiopulmonary[ ,k:diu'plmnri ]adj.of or pertaining to or affecting both the heart ...
详细解释bisectorn.二等分物;二等分线;英英释义 BisectorIn diatonic set theory, a bisector divides the octave approximately in ha...
详细解释bursitisn.滑液囊炎;英英释义 bursitis[ b:'saitis ]n.inflammation of a bursa; frequently in the shoulder
详细解释leiomyoman.平滑肌瘤;英英释义 leiomyoma[ ,laiumai'um ]n.benign tumor of smooth muscle (usually in the uterus or digestiv...
详细解释microsurgeryn.显微外科;显微手术;英英释义 microsurgery[ ,maikru's:dri ]n.surgery using operating microscopes and miniat...
详细解释chilblainn.冻疮; 变形 复数:chilblains 英英释义 chilblain[ 'tilblein ]n.inflammation of the hands and feet caused by ex...
详细解释furunclen.疔疮,疖;英英释义 furuncle[ 'fju:rkl ]n.a painful sore with a hard core filled with pus同义词:boil
详细解释torticollisn.斜颈;英英释义 torticollis[ ,t:ti'klis ]n.an unnatural condition in which the head leans to one side becaus...
详细解释erysipelasn.丹毒;火丹;英英释义 erysipelas[ ,eri'sipils ]n.an acute streptococcal infection characterized by deep-red i...