共 218 个单词
empyeman.脓胸,积脓症;英英释义 empyema[ ,empai'i:m ]n.a collection of pus in a body cavity (especially in the lung cavi...
详细解释anesthesiologyn.麻醉学;英英释义 anesthesiology[ ,nis,i:zi:'ldi ]n.the branch of medical science that studies and applie...
详细解释dilatorn.使扩张的人,(外科用的)扩张器,扩张肌;英英释义 dilator[ dai'leit ]n.a muscle or nerve that dilates or widens ...
详细解释diverticulumn.憩室,支囊;膨部;英英释义 diverticulum[ ,daiv'tikjulm ]n.a herniation through the muscular wall of a tubu...
详细解释intubation释义插管(法);英英释义 intubation[ ,intju:'bein ]n.the insertion of a cannula or tube into a hollow body org...
详细解释sebaceousadj.脂肪的;脂肪质的;脂肪分泌的;脂肪过多的英英释义 sebaceous[ si'beis ]adj.containing an unusual amount of gr...
详细解释subluxationn.不全脱位,半脱位;英英释义 subluxation[ ,sblk'sein ]n.partial displacement of a joint or organ
详细解释volvulusn.肠扭转,肠扭结;英英释义 volvulus[ 'vlvjuls ]n.abnormal twisting of the intestines (usually in the are of the ...
详细解释pancreatitisn.胰腺炎;英英释义 pancreatitis[ 'pnkri'taitis ]n.inflammation of the pancreas; usually marked by abdominal ...
详细解释nephrectomyn.肾切除术; 变形 复数:nephrectomies 英英释义 nephrectomy[ n'frektmi ]n.surgical removal of a kidney
详细解释spondylitisn.脊椎炎;英英释义 spondylitis[ ,spndi'laitis ]n.inflammation of a spinal joint; characterized by pain and st...
详细解释carunclen.肉冠,肉阜,肉瘤;爪垫;脐阜;英英释义 caruncle[ 'krkl ]n.an outgrowth on a plant or animal such as a fowl's w...
详细解释disseminatedv.散布,传播( disseminate的过去式和过去分词 );英英释义 disseminate[ di'semineitid ]v.cause to become widely...
详细解释hypercalcemian.血钙过多;多钙血;英英释义 hypercalcemia[ ,haip,kl'si:mi ]n.the presence of abnormally high levels of cal...
详细解释intussusceptionn.肠套叠,肠内翻;内填;英英释义 intussusception[ ,intss'sepn ]n.the folding in of an outer layer so as t...
详细解释thyroiditisn.甲状腺炎;英英释义 thyroiditis[ ,airi'daitis ]n.inflammation of the thyroid gland
详细解释anastomosisn.接合,相接; 变形 复数:anastomoses 英英释义 anastomosis[ ,nst'musis ]n.a natural or surgical joining of pa...
详细解释tenosynovitisn.腱鞘炎;英英释义 tenosynovitis[ 'tenu,sin'vaitis, 'ti:- ]n.inflammation of a tendon and its enveloping sh...
详细解释urethritisn.尿道炎;英英释义 urethritis[ ,juri'raitis ]n.inflammation of the urethra; results in painful urination
详细解释hyponatremia释义低钠血症;血钠过少;英英释义 hyponatremia[ ,haipun'tri:mi ]n.abnormally low level of sodium in the blood...
详细解释hypoxemian.血氧不足;血氧过少;英英释义 HypoxemiaHypoxemia (or hypoxaemia in British English) is an abnormally low level...
详细解释hyperaldosteronismn.高醛甾酮症;英英释义 hyperaldosteronism[ ,haiprldu'sterunizm ]n.a condition caused by overproduction...
详细解释hyperkalemian.血钾过多,高钾;英英释义 hyperkalemia[ ,haipkei'li:mi ]n.higher than normal levels of potassium in the cir...
详细解释constrictiveadj.压缩性的,紧缩的,束紧的;英英释义 constrictive[ kn'striktiv ]adj.(of circumstances) tending to constric...
详细解释pheochromocytoman.嗜铬细胞瘤(一种交感神经系统的肿瘤);英英释义 pheochromocytoma[ 'fi:'krumusai'tum, si- ]n.a vascular ...
详细解释glioman.神经胶质瘤; 变形 复数:gliomatagliomas 英英释义 glioma[ lai'um ]n.a tumor of the brain consisting of neuroglia
详细解释neurofibroman.纤维神经瘤; 变形 复数:neurofibromasneurofibromata 英英释义 neurofibroma[ ,njurufai'brum ]n.tumor of the ...