共 218 个单词
arachnoidadj.蛛网状的,蛛网膜的;英英释义 arachnoid[ 'rknid ]n.the middle of the 3 meninges同义词:arachnoid membraneair...
详细解释hypokalemian.血钾过少,低钾血;英英释义 hypokalemia[ ,haipuk'li:mj ]n.abnormally low level of potassium in the circulati...
详细解释metastaticadj.转移性的;变态的;变形的;由转移所致的英英释义 metastatic[ ,met'sttik ]adj.relating to or affected by meta...
详细解释flatfootn.扁平足,警察; 变形 复数:flatfoots 英英释义 flatfoot[ 'flt,fut ]n.a policeman who patrols a given region同义词...
详细解释vasodilatoradj.血管扩张的;n.血管扩张神经;英英释义 vasodilatorn.a drug that causes dilation of blood vessels同义词:vas...
详细解释neurogenicadj.起源于神经组织的,神经性的;英英释义 neurogenic[ ,njuru'denik ]adj.arising in or stimulated by nerve tissu...
详细解释extracorporealadj.身体外的;英英释义 ExtracorporealAn extracorporeal medical procedure is a medical procedure which is p...
详细解释nosocomialadj.医院的;英英释义 nosocomial[ ,ns'kumil, ,nu- ]adj.taking place or originating in a hospital"nosocomial inf...
详细解释chondrosarcoman.软骨肉瘤;英英释义 chondrosarcoma[ ,kndrus:'kum ]n.a malignant neoplasm of cartilage cells
详细解释valgusn.外翻足,外翻足的人;adj.外翻的; 变形 复数:valguses 英英释义 ValgusValgus is a genus of beetles. Most described...
详细解释halluxn.(鸟)后趾,(人)大拇趾; 变形 复数:halluces 英英释义 hallux[ 'hlks ]n.the first largest innermost toe同义词:...
详细解释osteoidadj.骨样的;英英释义 OsteoidIn histology, osteoid is the unmineralized, organic portion of the bone matrix that f...
详细解释varicocelen.精索静脉曲张;英英释义 varicocele[ 'vrikusi:l ]n.dilatation of the veins associated with the spermatic cord ...
详细解释osteosarcoman.骨肉瘤;英英释义 osteosarcoma[ ,stius:'kum ]n.malignant bone tumor; most common in children and young adul...
详细解释osteoman.骨瘤; 变形 复数:oateomas 英英释义 osteoma[ ,sti'um ]n.a slow growing benign tumor of consisting of bone tissu...
详细解释osteochondroman.骨软骨瘤;英英释义 osteochondroma[ ,stikn'drum ]n.benign tumor containing both bone and cartilage; usual...
详细解释nonunionadj.不属于工会的,不承认工会的;不愈合;英英释义 nonunion[ nn'ju:nin ]adj.not belonging to or not allowing affil...
详细解释hemolyticadj.[医] 溶血的;英英释义 hemolytic[ hi:'mlitik ]adj.relating to or involving or causing hemolysis"hemolytic an...
详细解释cardian.贲门;前胃;心窝;英英释义 cardia[ 'k:di ]n.the opening into the stomach and that part of the stomach connected ...
详细解释penileadj.阴茎的,用阴茎的,影响阴茎的;英英释义 penile[ 'pi:nail ]adj.of or relating to the penis"penile erection"同义词...
详细解释ductus释义管;英英释义 DuctusIn linguistics, ductus refers to qualities and characteristics of writing or speaking insta...
详细解释hydrocelen.积水,阴囊积水;英英释义 hydrocele[ 'haidrusi:l ]n.disorder in which serous fluid accumulates in a body sac (...
详细解释hypertensiveadj.高血压的;n.高血压患者;英英释义 hypertensive[ ,haip'tensiv ]n.a person who has abnormally high blood pr...
详细解释lidocainen.利多卡因(一种局部麻醉剂);英英释义 lidocaine[ 'lidukein ]n.a local anesthetic (trade names Lidocaine and Xy...
详细解释varicesn.血管曲张;静脉曲张( varix的名词复数 );英英释义 VaricesA varix (pl. varices) is an abnormally dilated vessel wi...
详细解释isotonicadj.等分的,等张的,等压的;英英释义 isotonic[ ,aisu'tnik ]adj.(used of solutions) having the same or equal osmo...
详细解释pyelonephritisn.肾盂肾炎;英英释义 pyelonephritis[ ,pailuni'fraitis, -ne- ]n.inflammation of the kidney and its pelvis c...
详细解释hypovolemic释义[医] [循环]血容量减少的;英英释义 hypovolemicadj.of or relating to a decrease in the volume of circulatin...
详细解释epicondylitisn.上髁炎;英英释义 epicondylitis[ 'epi,kndi'laitis ]n.painful inflammation of the muscles and soft tissues ...
详细解释electrocauteryn.电烙术(器); 变形 复数:electrocauteries 英英释义 electrocautery[ i,lektru'k:tri ]n.application of a n...
详细解释hyperparathyroidismn.甲状旁腺功能亢进;英英释义 hyperparathyroidism[ 'haip,pr'airidizm ]n.excessive secretion of parathy...