共 218 个单词
cholangiographyn.胆管造影(术);英英释义 cholangiography[ k,lndi'rfi ]n.roentgenographic examination of the bile ducts ...
详细解释hypospadiasn.尿道下裂;英英释义 hypospadias[ ,haip'speidis ]n.an abnormal condition in males in which the urethra opens ...
详细解释hypertonicadj.张力亢进的,高渗的;英英释义 hypertonic[ ,haip'tnik ]adj.(of living tissue) in a state of abnormally high ...
详细解释transcutaneousadj.经皮的,由皮的;英英释义 transcutaneous[ ,trnskju'teinis, ,trnz-, ,tr:n- ]adj.through the unbroken ski...
详细解释vasoconstrictoradj.血管收缩的;n.血管收缩神经,血管缩小药;英英释义 vasoconstrictor[ ,veizukn'strikt, ,veis-, ,vs-, ,vz-...
详细解释ketamine释义凯他那;氯苯甲氨环己酮;凯他明;开泰敏;英英释义 ketamine[ 'ketmi:n ]n.a general anesthetic and tranquilizer...
详细解释supinatorn.旋后肌;英英释义 supinator[ 'sju:pineit ]n.a muscle (especially in the forearm) that produces or assists in s...
详细解释privativeadj.剥夺的;n.否定的前缀;英英释义 PrivativeA privative, named from Latin [privare, at William Whitaker's Words...
详细解释expandern.使增大者,使身体健壮的强身器具; 变形 复数:expanders 英英释义 Expander"Expander"was a 1994 single released by...
详细解释expiratoryadj.吐气的,呼气的;英英释义 expiratory[ iks'pairtri, ek- ]adj.of or relating to the breathing out phase of re...
详细解释Takayasu释义大动脉炎;英英释义 TakayasuTakayasu is both a Japanese surname and a masculine Japanese given name. Notable ...
详细解释intraventricularadj.心室内的;英英释义 intraventricular[ ,intrven'trikjul ]adj.within the system of ventricles in the br...
详细解释hypocalcemian.血钙过少,低血钙症;英英释义 hypocalcemia[ ,haipukl'si:mi ]n.abnormally low level of calcium in the blood;...
详细解释prostatitisn.前列腺炎;英英释义 prostatitis[ ,prst'taitis ]n.inflammation of the prostate gland characterized by perinea...
详细解释paronychian.甲沟炎;英英释义 paronychia[ ,pr'niki ]n.infection in the tissues adjacent to a nail on a finger or toelow-g...
详细解释phimosisn.包茎,包皮过长;英英释义 phimosis[ fai'musis, fi- ]n.an abnormal tightness of the foreskin preventing retracti...
详细解释hypoglycemicadj.血糖过低的,低血糖症的;英英释义 hypoglycemic[ ,haipuglai'si:mik ]adj.of or relating to hypoglycemia"hyp...
详细解释hydatidn.包虫,水泡;英英释义 hydatid[ 'haidtid ]n.cyst filled with liquid; forms as a result of infestation by tapeworm...
详细解释prepucen.阴茎包皮;英英释义 prepuce[ 'pri:pju:s ]n.a fold of skin covering the tip of the clitoris同义词:foreskina fold...
详细解释aneurismaladj.动脉瘤的;英英释义 aneurismal[ ,nju'rizml ]adj.relating to or affected by an aneurysm同义词:aneurysmalane...
详细解释cellulitisn.蜂窝(组)织炎;英英释义 cellulitis[ ,selju'laitis ]n.an inflammation of body tissue (especially that below ...
详细解释narcosisn.昏迷状态,麻醉;英英释义 narcosis[ n:'kusis ]n.unconsciousness induced by narcotics or anesthesia
详细解释cholelithiasisn.胆石病;英英释义 cholelithiasis[ ,klili'aisis ]n.the presence of gallstones in the gallbladder
详细解释papilloman.乳突淋瘤,刺瘤; 变形 复数:papillomatapapillomas 英英释义 papilloma[ ,ppi'lum ]n.a benign epithelial tumor f...