共 218 个单词
colloidaladj.胶状的,胶质的;英英释义 colloidal[ k'lidl ]adj.of or relating to or having the properties of a colloid
详细解释asepsisn.无菌,无病毒;(外科上的)无菌处理法;英英释义 asepsis[ 'sepsis ]n.(of non-living objects) the state of being f...
详细解释midazolam释义咪达唑仑;英英释义 midazolamn.an injectable form of benzodiazepine (trade name Versed) useful for sedation ...
详细解释echinococcosisn.棘球蚴病;包虫病;英英释义 echinococcosis[ i,kain'kksis ]n.infestation with larval echinococci (tapeworm...
详细解释hypersensitivityn.超敏性;英英释义 hypersensitivity[ ,haip,sensi'tiviti ]n.pathological sensitivityextreme sensitivity
详细解释suppurativeadj.化脓的,化脓性的,促使化脓的;n.化脓促进剂,吸脓药;英英释义 suppurative[ 'spjurtiv, -reitiv ]adj.relatin...
详细解释autologousadj.自体同源的,自体固有的;自体移植;英英释义 autologous[ :'tls ]adj.derived from organisms of the selfsame i...
详细解释tamponaden.填塞,压塞;英英释义 tamponade[ ,tmp'neid ]n.blockage or closure (as of a wound or body cavity) by (or as if ...
详细解释basilaradj.(尤指颅骨)基部的,底部的;英英释义 basilar[ 'bsil ]adj.of or relating to or located at the base"the basilar...
详细解释seminoman.精原细胞瘤;英英释义 seminoma[ ,semi'num ]n.malignant tumor of the testis; usually occurring in older men同义词...
详细解释dehiscencen.裂开;轮腐;骨间裂隙;轮裂英英释义 dehiscence[ di'hisns ]n.(biology) release of material by splitting open o...
详细解释stellateadj.星形的,似星的;星状;英英释义 stellate[ 'stelit, -leit ]adj.arranged like rays or radii; radiating from a c...
详细解释impregnationn.怀孕,受精,注入;使受孕;授胎物;授孕英英释义 impregnation[ ,impre'nein ]n.material with which something ...
详细解释pyurian.脓尿;英英释义 pyuria[ pai'juri ]n.presence of white blood cells in the urine; symptom of urinary tract infectio...
详细解释cholecystectomyn.胆囊切除术;英英释义 cholecystectomy[ ,klisi'stektmi ]n.surgical removal of the gall bladder (usually f...
详细解释neurolysisn.神经组织崩溃,精神疲惫;英英释义 NeurolysisNeurolysis may refer to the deliberate damaging of a nerve by che...
详细解释hydronephrosisn.肾盂积水;英英释义 hydronephrosis[ ,haidruni'frusis ]n.accumulation of urine in the kidney because of an...
详细解释vesicaladj.膀胱的,椭圆形的;英英释义 vesical[ 'vesikl ]adj.of or relating to a bladder (especially the urinary bladder)
详细解释ligatevt.结扎,绑; 变形 过去式:ligated过去分词:ligated现在分词:ligating第三人称单数:ligates 英英释义 ligate[ 'laiei...
详细解释epididymitisn.附睾炎;英英释义 epididymitis[ 'epi,didi'maitis ]n.painful inflammation of the epididymis
详细解释fentanyln.芬太尼(一种止痛剂);英英释义 fentanyl[ 'fentnil ]n.trade names of a narcotic analgesic that can be inhaled a...