共 218 个单词
calculousadj.结石的,结石症的;n.微积分(学);英英释义 calculous[ 'klkjuls ]adj.relating to or caused by or having a ca...
详细解释semilunaradj.半月形的;英英释义 semilunar[ ,semi'lu:n, ,semai- ]adj.resembling the new moon in shape同义词:crescent(a)c...
详细解释capsulitisn.囊炎,被膜炎晶状体炎;英英释义 CapsulitisCapsulitis refers to inflammation of a capsule.以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释coarctationn.密集,收缩;英英释义 coarctation[ ,kua:k'tein ]n.tight or narrow compression同义词:constriction(biology) a...
详细解释amebicadj.变形虫的;英英释义 amebic[ 'mi:bik ]adj.pertaining to or resembling amoebae同义词:amoebicamoebanamebanamoebou...
详细解释echinococcusn.棘球绦虫;英英释义 echinococcus[ ,i,kain'kks ]n.tapeworms whose larvae are parasitic in humans and domesti...
详细解释analgeticn.& adj.止痛剂,镇痛剂止痛的;英英释义 analgetic[ ,nl'detik ]adj.capable of relieving pain同义词:analgesicanod...
详细解释fibroadenoman.纤维腺瘤; 变形 复数:fibroadenomata 英英释义 fibroadenoma[ 'faibru,d'num ]n.benign and movable and firm a...
详细解释gastroduodenaladj.胃与十二指肠的;胃十二指肠;英英释义 gastroduodenal[ 'stru,dju:u'di:nl ]adj.of or relating to the stom...
详细解释antisepsisn.防腐,消毒,抗菌术;英英释义 antisepsis[ ,nti'sepsis ]n.(of non-living objects) the state of being free of p...
详细解释hemodynamicadj.血液动力学的;英英释义 hemodynamic[ ,hi:mudai'nmik, ,hem- ]adj.or of relating to or involved in hemodynam...
详细解释hemostaticadj.止血的;n.止血剂;英英释义 hemostatic[ ,hi:m'sttik, ,hem- ]adj.tending to check bleeding by contracting th...
详细解释hemothoraxn.血胸,胸腔积血;英英释义 hemothorax[ ,hi:m':rks, ,hem- ]n.accumulation of blood in the pleural cavity (the s...
详细解释endarterectomyn.动脉内膜切除术;英英释义 endarterectomy[ ,end:t'rektmi ]n.surgical removal of the inner lining of an art...
详细解释corticotropinn.促肾上腺皮质激素,亲皮质素;英英释义 corticotropin[ k:tiku'trupn ]n.a hormone produced by the anterior pi...
详细解释enteraladj.肠的;英英释义 enteral[ 'entrl ]adj.of or relating to the enteron同义词:entericof or relating to or inside t...
详细解释arteriovenousadj.动静脉的,连接动静脉的;英英释义 arteriovenous[ :,tiriu'vi:ns ]adj.connecting an artery to a vein"an ar...
详细解释tuberculousadj.有结的,结节状的,患有结核病的;英英释义 tuberculous[ tju:'b:kjuls ]adj.constituting or afflicted with or...
详细解释superinfectionn.重复感染,双重感染;超感染;英英释义 superinfection[ 'sju:prin,feknt ]n.infection that occurs while you ...
详细解释cryptorchidismn.隐睾病;英英释义 cryptorchidism[ krip't:kidizm ]n.failure of one or both testes to move into the scrotum...
详细解释cryoprecipitaten.冷凝蛋白质;英英释义 CryoprecipitateCryoprecipitate, also called "Cryoprecipitated Antihaemophilic Fact...
详细解释neuroman.神经瘤; 变形 复数:neuromasneuromata 英英释义 neuroma[ nju'rum ]n.any tumor derived from cells of the nervous ...
详细解释bronchon.野马(产于北美洲西部);英英释义 broncho[ 'brku ]n.an unbroken or imperfectly broken mustang同义词:broncobronc
详细解释ascariasisn.蛔虫病;英英释义 ascariasis[ ,sk'raisis ]n.infestation of the human intestine with Ascaris roundworms
详细解释atheroscleroticn.动脉粥样硬化患者;adj.动脉粥样硬化的;英英释义 atherosclerotic[ ,ruskl'rtik ]adj.of or relating to athe...
详细解释autotransfusionn.(将病人的血存储起来在手术时输回其体内的)自身输血;英英释义 AutotransfusionAutotransfusion is a proces...
详细解释fusariumn.镰刀霉;英英释义 FusariumFusarium is a large genus of filamentous fungi widely distributed in soil and in asso...
详细解释lymphadenitisn.淋巴腺炎;英英释义 lymphadenitis[ lim,fd'naitis ]n.inflammation of lymph nodes
详细解释lymphangitisn.淋巴管炎;英英释义 lymphangitis[ ,limfn'daitis ]n.inflammation of a lymph vessel