共 22 个单词
advantagedadj.得天独厚的,有利的,占有利位置的;英英释义 advantaged[ d'va:ntidd ]adj.blessed with advantages"she is more...
详细解释decisiveness释义果断性;英英释义 decisiveness[ di'saisivinis ]n.the trait of resoluteness as evidenced by firmness of ch...
详细解释ill-treatvt.虐待; 变形 过去式:ill-treated过去分词:ill-treated现在分词:ill-treating第三人称单数:ill-treats 英英释义 ...
详细解释controversialistn.争论者,好争论者;英英释义 controversialist[ ,kntr'v:list ]n.a person who disputes; who is good at or ...
详细解释supersystemn.(由各系统组成的)超系统,超级体系;英英释义 SupersystemSupersystem was a band from Washington, D.C.以上来源...
详细解释downscale释义缩减…规模;英英释义 downscale[ 'daun,skeil ]adj.intended for people with low incomes"mass-produced downsca...
详细解释assimilativeadj.同化的,同化力的;英英释义 assimilative[ 'similtiv, 'similtri ]adj.capable of mentally absorbing"assimil...
详细解释back-up释义备份;英英释义 back-up[ 'bkp ]n.an accumulation caused by clogging or a stoppage同义词:backupsomeone who tak...
详细解释co-pref.表示“联合,伴同”之义;英英释义 co-[ ku ]n.an odorless very poisonous gas that is a product of incomplete combu...
详细解释sign-upn.注册; 签约;英英释义 sign-up[ 'sin,p ]v.engage by written agreement同义词:signcontractsign onsign upjoin a clu...
详细解释littenadj.点燃的;英英释义 LittenLitten is a surname. Notable people with the surname include:以上来源于:Wikipedia
详细解释logicalityn.逻辑性;英英释义 logicality[ ,ldi'klti ]n.correct and valid reasoning同义词:logicalness
详细解释playgoern.爱看戏的人,常看戏的人;英英释义 playgoer[ 'plei,u ]n.someone who attends the theater同义词:theatergoertheatr...
详细解释remoldvt.改造,改铸;英英释义 remold[ ri:'muld, 'ri:,muld ]v.cast again同义词:recastremouldshape again or shape differe...
详细解释crushinglyadv.(强调不好的特征)极其;英英释义 crushingly[ 'krili ]adv.in a crushing manner"the team was crushingly defe...